Shoegnome Work Environment for ARCHICAD 20
In addition to sharing my template, in ARCHICAD 19 I also started sharing my Work Environment. I find the two really go together. In fact for ARCHICAD 20, I built my Work Environment and Template together, making sure that they supported each other. If you want to look back at my extended thoughts on Work Environments and Keyboard Shortcuts, these four posts will connect you to all my previous discussions:
- Shoegnome Work Environment for ARCHICAD 19
- Shoegnome Keyboard Shortcuts for ARCHICAD 19
- ARCHICAD 19: now is the time to fix your Work Environment
- Maximized Work Environments in ARCHICAD
In ARCHICAD 20, I’ve continued the themes of those posts: rebuild, streamline, and give up old habits. An example of the latter: I’ve been using the same Keyboard Shortcuts for Slab and Roof since ARCHICAD 9 (in other words, for over a decade), but they didn’t fit with the logic of my KBS revisions for ARCHICAD 19. So I changed them for ARCHICAD 20. Goodbye U and I, hello CTRL+1 and CTRL+2. I made the change at the start of my Work Environment and template work this week and have already adjusted. Thirty-five year old Jared with ten years of ARCHICAD experience is much wiser when it comes to KBS decisions than twenty-five year old Jared still adjusting to leaving the world of 2D CAD behind.
Shoegnome Work Environment for ARCHICAD 20
Try out my Work Environment for ARCHICAD 20 yourself. Here’s a link to my Work Environment. Remember, it goes well with my Template (which hopefully you’ve downloaded as well). For an overview of the Shoegnome Work Environment for ARCHICAD 20, here’s a short video describing the most important aspects:
Again, here’s the link to my Work Environment and the Shoegnome Open Template.
All the Videos on Work Environments
I’ve created a number of ARCHICAD Work Environment Videos. Here’s a playlist of them all:
Follow Shoegnome on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube.
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Mohammed Mohammed
This came late but it’s worth it. This work environment is another awesome achievement. Thank you for sharing it with us.
I am new to ArchiCad (1 week). Been experimenting with Revit as well. Soon turned off by the fact they have no inbuilt libraries and the presentation seems abit weak.
Came from Sketchup to Vray to 3ds Max to Corona and now I have discovered ArchiCad.
Used to do all my presentation stuff with Sketchup.
Anyway, I tried your Work Environment. It was BRILLIANT :)) Very simple.
Must have took you alot of time. Thanks for sharing.
I mastered 3ds Max by creating my own toolbars so I felt in control. Your toolbars inspired me to do my own cos there is alot of stuff hidden in the menus. Sometimes the toolbar on the left disappears and I don’t know how to get it back.
I think I need to use Archicad for a few more weeks cos even though your Template is beautifully laid out I am still confused by what everything means.
Jared Banks
Glad you like the work environment and welcome to the world of ARCHICAD. I’m guessing you’ll pick it up very quickly.
Thanks for the reply. I tried your template as well, but it wipes out my Favourtes that I have spent the last few days organizing. Is there a work-around? What I am after more than anything is ready made presentation sheets for archi plans. Found some nice ones for Revit but none so far for AC.
One small complaint…. in the Favourites Menu in the standard set-up you have a choice of putting the catagories lists above the 3D models or on the left hand side. I don’t have this option with the Shoegnome Favourites. Is there a way to get this option back?
How long did it take you to get good with AC?
Do you know any good resources for objects? High quality ones.
Jared Banks
1) Favorites are saved as part of the file; your Favorites aren’t being wiped out, they are just in a different file. Check out http://helpcenter.graphisoft.com/ on how to transfer Favorites from one file to another. Also Favorites tie into Attributes, so if you are switching from one file to another the Favorites need to be updated to make the new File’s attributes (layers, pens, BMats, etc.).
2) My template has Layouts set up for various needs. Other templates will as well. If you can’t find a template with the layouts you need, it’s easy enough to build your own into whichever template you settle on.
3) The Favorites Palette can be added to my WE. Turn on the Favorite’s Palette (shift+` in my WE) and then drag it into place.
4) Complex answer. ARCHICAD was very different when I started learning. But within 3 months of switching to the software I was teaching everyone else in my office tricks and training new users.
5) Check out my resources page: https://shoegnome.com/archicad-resourcesv1/ for some Object options. For more Objects and other answers, checkout: http://archicad-talk.graphisoft.com/. In general ARCHICAD users are much less dependant on 3D party Objects than other software users.
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