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Image Based Objects in Archicad

For the past few years, I’ve hardly done any rendering. Instead I rely on high quality, good looking images from the 3D window in Archicad, and of course BIMx models that I share with my clients. This suits my workflow well as visualization is fully integrated into my design and documentation process. In today’s video I share the benefits of using image based Objects in Archicad, like Deciduous Trees 25 and Shrubs 25.

After watching the video, you should download the Shoegnome Open Template so that you can experiment with everything I showed. If you see me press some buttons on the keyboard and are annoyed that you don’t have that shortcut or you are wondering where the button/toolbar I use is, download my Work Environment. And if you want the plant images I use in the video, here’s a link to them as well.

If you want all the latest Shoegnome Open Template news, sign up for the mailing list

If you aren’t using the current version of Archicad, you can download older versions of my template. If you use my template, I highly recommend you use my Work Environment as well. The two work together well and the Work Environment is designed to reinforce the best practices of the template. You can download my Work Environment here.

Subscribe to my blog to read more about the tricky world of being an Architect in the 21st century. Follow Shoegnome on FacebookInstagram, and Youtube.


  • July 4, 2022


    Normally we use Twinmotion, but contrary to most people it seems, i actually enjoy using the basic rendering capabilities of Archicad; With a little photoshop one can get pretty decent results for preliminary presentations.

    Also, like you, i really like the 3d window look and feel and have no problem showing it to clients, and sometimes its preferable since the uncanny valley effect also exist in architecture and its quite distracting for clients that already know how photorrealistic renders look. The 3d windows offer a sufficient rendition of the project, but sketchy enough so as to not distract with unnecesary details. I have found that people have an intuitive grasp of this.

    Having said that, just yesterday i was trying for the Nth time to eliminate the boundary line in the trees. Thanks Jared

  • July 6, 2022

    Paul Adams

    Hi Jared,
    Where do you get the nice photos of the various grasses and shrubs?
    I have had a hard time finding native Southwest plants, tress and shrubs. Everything seems to be geared to lusher climates.
    Thanks for your thoughts.

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