Archicad Tutorial #92: Copy and Paste, Embedded Libraries, and Master_GDL Viruses
You’d think copy and paste isn’t something that needs a tutorial video. But it does. In this Archicad tutorial video I talk about copying between different templates (hopefully making clear why it’s a bad idea), moving objects between files, and Master_GDL Objects. You might not know what Master_GDL Objects are, but if you’ve used Archicad long enough, you’ll recognize the names PIIROINEN, from Archicad Library 13, from Embedded Library, Whalen3_16, and Log Home Demo.
I’d like to take a moment to give some respect to the new Archicad 26 Attributes Palette. It’s a nice compliment to the vitally important Attribute Manager (why is one pluralized and not the other??). The combination of the Attributes Palette and Folders for Attributes made highlighting all the Attribute pollution in this video really clear and easy.

Do you have ideas for a future video? Let me know in the comments. If you’d like to make the argument that Master_GDL Objects aren’t a virus, should transfer as part of copy/paste, and are a good thing, PLEASE comment below. I would love to hear what value they offer.
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Markus Denzlinger
Rule No 1: always save your file before loading any external data. Changing attributes will never be undone by hitting Crtl-Z.
Jared Banks
YES! I should probably do a follow up video on how to actually bring things in safely. I always save first and often use an intermediate file to bring things into and clean up first. You can never be too careful.
Por favor los otros link de losvtiyotoales dónde los puedo obtener. Soy arquitecta y mi programa pora trabajar es ese.
Jared Banks
Everything in the video was done using my template, which you can download here: Shoegnome Open Template.
I think the “checkerboard” happens when there is a missing texture image map
Jared Banks
You are absolutely correct! This is what happens when I have an idea in the middle of a video and don’t test it out first.
What about copying and pasting simple PNG/jpeg/pdf images or drawings from one file to another? Do you see any issues there?
Jared Banks
In all my years of using Archicad, I’ve never seen an issue with copying PNG, PDF, or JPEG between files.