There is a right and wrong way to use Archicad. Starting a project from a template is the only acceptable answer. If you are not using a template in Archicad, then you are doing it wrong. You are wasting your time. You are wasting your clients’ money. You are limiting your creativity.
Successfully integrating Archicad (or any BIM program) into an architectural practice requires a strong template. A robust template allows an architect to focus on design, knowing that all the fundamentals—graphics, modeling standards, data organization, etc.—are taken care of and standardized across a practice’s entire body of work. While it’s essential for every Archicad user to have one, it’s not feasible for each architecture firm to create a template. Developing a good template takes time, knowledge, and a dedication to continued refinement.
Every Archicad user needs access to a good template. If you use Archicad, you need to download the Shoegnome Open Template. Monetary support is optional (though greatly appreciated); templates are too important to hide behind a paywall. As long as I’m using Archicad, I will continue to update the Shoegnome Open Template and share it via this site. The current version of the template is for Archicad 28. For more info about the latest improvements to the Shoegnome Open Template, previous updates, and articles discussing the critical importance of Archicad templates, click here.

How to download the Shoegnome Open Template:
1) Use the PayPal Button: If you find the Shoegnome Open Template useful and want to see it developed further and faster, contribute to the template’s continued development. After you click the big support button below and fill out all the payment details, you’ll be sent to the download link. It should be nice and easy.
Developing and sharing this template takes a lot of work. I appreciate every time someone chooses to thank me via the PayPal link. If you support my template with a contribution of $100 or more and send me an email with your address, I’ll ship you an 8 oz tumbler.
2) Keep Scrolling for the direct link: If you’d rather not or can’t support, that’s okay. There’s a direct download link for the Shoegnome Open Template below, right before all the comments.
If you choose to support, this is what is going to happen:
– You’ll feel good knowing that you’re supporting both me and the Archicad community.
– I’ll be motivated to update the template (and the YouTube channel) regularly.
– I’ll do my best to listen when you e-mail me with suggestions for future updates.
– I’ll be super grateful and look for other ways to say thank you.
Any money you send via the support button is to pay for my time to develop the template (in the past, present, or future). It’s not to buy the template. And it’s not a donation. If you have trouble with the PayPal button, please send me an e-mail. Occasionally the button stops working. A HUGE thank you to everyone who has clicked on the button, had issues, and then let me know. An equally GIGANTIC thank you to all the people who have supported my template since I started sharing it way back in 2014.

The Mailing List:
Whether you support with money or kind words, you’ll want to know when I make changes.
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The FAQ:
If you have questions about the Shoegnome Open Template, or want a template for an older version of Archicad, check out the FAQ before sending me an e-mail.
The Work Environment
In addition to a good template, you also need a good Work Environment.
Learn more about my Work Environment for Archicad and download it today.
Instead of the PayPal Button:
If you’d rather not use the PayPal link above (the big support button), you can download the template for free via this direct link.
Pingback: Introducing the Shoegnome Open Template for ArchiCAD 17 » Shoegnome
David Gulbrandsen
(A small tip about title block / scale)
Thank you, Jared! There´s heaps of nice work in your .tpl!
I noticed your main title block does not show the scale of the layout, and understand you solve this with small blocks under your drawings on the layout. Since I don´t have your LIBR, it´s all black dots, but I can guess the content…:-) Is it the common practice in US to do it this way? The practice here (Norway) is to show the scale of the drawing(s) in the main title block – however, in our small office we use both options if the drawings has different scales.
My tip for title block with scale, is to save the title block (with the drawing scale as auto text) as a library object. (I guess I don’t have to tell you how to do this, but if it is the case, just reply and I will try to explain…)
In this way you can place the object either on each layout that needs one, or on the master item(s) that needs it.
Hope you and your readers like this little tip..
Jared Banks
Thanks. There are a couple of other work arounds as well to do the same thing, but they all escape me at the moment (it was a long week in Budapest!). I’ve only ever shown the scale attached to the drawing, never the layout. I prefer that method anyways because then it’s all automated.
fuzzytnth3 aka Graeme
AC18’s Autotext now lets you display any scale used in the current layout sheet. You also have the option via the Properties section of the placed View to not include that View’s scale. Check it out it has made our Title Blocks much simpler to maintain
Jared Banks
Cool. Will check it out.
Hi Jared,
Wonderful Archicad template and blog. I appreciate all the powerful details and concepts you have put behind element attributes, building materials, etc (list goes on and on) in an elegantly simple template file.
I have a not so minor issue with a file that I am working on that has recently migrated from Archicad 16 to 18. Fills, surface materials, wall composites, building materials, complex profiles etc have multiplied 3/4 times. I have consolidated all the fill, surface and building material types so there are no duplicates with 01653231…. numbers at the end. Composites and complex profiles unfortunately need to be consolidated and replaced one by one. This is becoming extremely tedious and I am now wondering if I should have consulted with you sooner for an easier solution. Most blogs I have read suggest that customized elements such as composites that are modified specific to the project will have duplicate elements and will need to be taken care of individually. What are your thoughts on this issue?
Many thanks,
Jared Banks
The pre-17 to post-17 migration is annoying. I don’t know of any way other than manually deleting the composites and complex profiles and choosing the ‘replace’ option. It hopefully will go pretty quick.
Glad you are enjoying the blog and template. My expectations are to finally share my revised ArchiCAD 18 template sometime in October. I hope!
Thanks for your speedy reply Jared!
One more question, any tips for updating modules within this file as well? Or do I need to repeat these tedious steps to each module file…
Many thanks,
Jared Banks
You’ll need to do the same for the modules. But to make it worse, you’ll need to make sure you replace everything in the same way otherwise you might get index numbers out of sync and then get doubles again. Is the project close enough to completion that it could just stay in 16? That’s definitely worth considering. If there aren’t too many modules you could possibly just rebuild them using the new main file as a template…all in all it’s a lot of least worst options.
Thanks Jared,
Going into each module file to consolidate building materials and attributes seemed like such a daunting task. I did find a solution that was not as painful.. I pulled all the module files in the project off to the side, clearly labeled each group for my reference, and then broke each individual module. I then reconsolidated building materials and attributes in the main file then resaved each new module file in a separate location. This seemed to work just fine. I hope this helps other users!
Jared Banks
That is a great solution! I’ll be curious to hear if there are any residual complications, but it seems like that’s the way to go.
Minor complications, Solid Element Operations do not stick for obvious reasons with a new updated module file. Very minor in my opinion. I will keep you posted if there are more.
Rui Venda
Hello Jared,
I’m following you for a while and all your thoughts about BIM and ArchiCAD, and have been helping me “discomplicate” some procedures in my BIM workflow, since I’m both Revit and ArchiCAD user.
I already see parts of this template in all your writings, although I’m from Portugal and use Portuguese Library, so all your objects in this template are simply black dots. So I’de like to ask to save your template in Archive Format so it integrates the library parts and this way be more informative about his contents and how it is organized.
Thanks for the time writing about this, because it was really helpful to everyone who matters about this issues.
Best regards, from Portugal
Rui Venda
Jared Banks
Rui, this is a brilliant idea. I don’t know why I haven’t already been doing this. I am planning another update to the template in a week or so. And when I do that, I’ll make sure to include a .pla of the template too for everyone who wants to check it out but doesn’t have the USA Library. I will also include a link or something to where one can download the USA 18 Library. This is such a great idea! Whether or not people want to use my template, it’ll at least allow everyone to see everything I’m doing, which is what’s most important to me: sharing ideas. Thanks!
Ernest Atanasiu
Thank you!
I have to admit: I am crazy about templates and it’s always great to see someone else’s.
I have tried to convert it to metric and it’s not that easy. The units setup went fairly easy but favorites are based on US library and half of them are not available and the other half are wrongly sized, because of the imperial to metric conversion (for example the queen bed is now 152,4 cm by 203,2).
Next step should be sharing an actual file that was developed with this template. 😉
Jared Banks
Ernest, yes a project to share using this template will happen. At some point. There are just a lot more okays for me to get, so it might be a while before I have complete say in sharing a project. But I would love to do that.
Also regarding the metric conversion. Yes it’ll take some work. But I don’t think it’ll be too bad. Mostly swapping out the library referenced, adding in new objects based on the fills and pens logic. And then rebuilding composites to meet the proper needs. It might make the most sense to import the attributes to a new file and rebuild the file structure based on that? I don’t know. My hunch is it’s maybe a couple hours of dedication.
fuzzytnth3 aka Graeme
Thanks for sharing. I have started converting it to Metric. One quibble as a dyslexic person I find it easier to read text that is in sentence case, using all caps hurts! So I will be tweaking that to 🙂
Jared Banks
I didn’t know all caps made things worse. That’s good to know. I go back and forth with why I use all caps for some things. It was originally done to separate out what I’d changed from what I hadn’t. So partially it’s old habits and conventions and partially it’s a half formed thought about separating out data that will show up in schedules and data that won’t. But clearly it is only half formed. Maybe by the v18 iteration I’ll have that figured out!
I’ll be very interested to hear how the conversion goes. Hopefully once the fundamentals are converted I can figure out a way to make updates to metric easy. Thank you! Also by the way, you win the “first to support monetarily award”. I really appreciate that. So much.
fuzzytnth3 aka Graeme
Cool, I have for years meant to make a Template file but was forever getting caught out by the ArchiCAD upgrades. So it is great to make use of your template to see how it is done 🙂
I instead use a “Builders Merchant” approach. Basically a solo pln file which is a repository for things we commonly use. We use the View Manager to access the data / elements in the file. The file is all structured using Cisfb as that helps keep folks on the right layers as well as making it easy to find stuff.
Apologies on the financial front I meant to bung you the equivalent of ten quid (ie enough to get a couple pints and a poke o’ chips) but I forgot about you being from across the pond where you use dollars, so I think that means you will have to forego the chips 🙂
Rob Harrison AIA
I’m with you Graeme. All caps in architectural lettering is a lot less legible to anyone, dyslexic or not, especially in blocks of text. It is a hold-over from hand lettering and from Leroy lettering templates. (Ugh!) Something I would have thought the modern Shoegnome would have left way, far behind…;)
Jared Banks
Ah now worries! Hopefully this is a long term proposition and you’ll have other opportunities. 😉
I used to have a separate file for standard elements to copy in. We’ll see if I go back to that method.
Jared Banks
ARGH! Oh wait. I mean Argh! Rob you are spot on. I shouldn’t be beholden to the old “we do it this way because it was an efficiency from an ancient tool.” Damn it. Well guess what. Download Shoegnome Open Template version 17.11. All the caps are gone. Well they still exist in description of the individual pen numbers, but fuck that. I’ll change those the next time I revamp my pensets.
But sweeping declaration! If all caps hurts readability, then all caps is dead to me in architectural documentation. I might still use them in blog posts to highlight the occasional word.
Graeme, hows that for a bonus treat for being the first supporter? 🙂
hi, bucharest, romania here. aside from the translation to metric units i have found the template to have lots of broken links concerning the library.
searched for the us 17 library but din not find it.
A .pla with a sample project for the template would be very very welcome. 😀
Ernest Atanasiu
To get a pla with all objects inside it would require to actually use all object from the favorites. Better download the US version of AC17, install the demo version and use the US library alongside the INT version. Don’t know if it’s OK with GS, though.
Even so, I don’t know if US library is ok for Romanian projects.
(am incercat si eu si nu sunt compatibile cu producatorii de la noi / I have tried also and there is no compatibility with European manufacturers)
Jared Banks
Ernest is spot on. And yeah that sample .pla will happen one day. A long term solution will be to provide a sample .pla with the USA objects and/or do a full conversion with all the INT objects. Maybe a Kickstarter campaign or something like that once 18 comes out? Could be a nice way to make that happen.
In the meantime, yes I recommend getting access to the USA library. Which is fairly easy. You can download the USA version of ArchiCAD here. No need to sign in to anything. Also in general for getting access to all libraries, read this post.
With 26 localizations of ArchiCAD, it’s just impossible to make the template work for everyone from day one. But hopefully with the USA library you can see what’s worth using/stealing/recreating/etc. It would be nice if there was a little more unification. Like why can’t all versions use the same title block object and section/elevation markers? Or at least all the english versions. Seems kind of silly.
Also one last note about the objects: to me that is really the least important aspect of the template. It’s all the attributes and file management stuff that is the real tricky part. The objects can be swapped out and once you understand the logic of how to change the pens and choose the surfaces, then you should be all good. Hope that helps and thanks for downloading.
Ernest Atanasiu
Yep. Everyone is asking me to share my template, hoping that “using/stealing/recreating/etc” will guarantee a well organized project and zero bumps. But, I discovered that most of them were still working in Project Map instead of the View Map and layer combinations were still ‘terra incognita’ . Unfortunately, until you understand how attributes and file management really work, a template is not going to help you much.
Vistasp Mehta
Thanks for the template Jared. Will be looking at it in great detail. FYI Here’s the library loading report for the INT version.
Jared Banks
Jared Banks
yup! Templates are a big piece of the puzzle, but implementation is just as important.
Hi Jared!
Thanks for sharing your template, and making it an OpenSource project. I hope it’ll get momentum.
I just reviewed your template and was very surprised by your Layers/Layers Combinations setup! There’re few of them, and you “oddly” use layer’s extensions in the way you name them. very different from Eric Bobrow’s MasterTemplate, and from the French Default AC17 Template!
I’m very curious to try it more, because what appears to be simple, may have required a lot of work and refining, and reading your blog every day, I know that you value a good template a lot, and I expect yours to be that good, and, if not usable for the french users, a good example to build one!
thanks again,
I’m very interested in this Open Template mouvement, and hope I’ll be able to contribute to the French Open Template.
Jared Banks
Thanks. And yes, if the #1 thing to come out of this would be 26 or so OpenSource templates, that’d be amazing. We users know what we need better than Graphisoft. Let them focus on other things.
The layer extensions…yes that’s a little different. But I’m hoping they will highlight what the layers are supposed to be used for and how they relate to other layers. I’ve been using this technique for a few years and like it.
Yvan Rueedi
Hi Jared,
I just want to say, it’s so great what you are doing for all the Archicad users around the globe, with your blog posts and youtube videos.
The recent move the take your template free to the public is inspiring, i wish a lot of us follow you and deliver great achieved things with or within AC out to the public.
Just keep doing it, there are many people out there just waiting for more great stuff about Archicad.
all the best from switzerland
Jared Banks
Thank you. Thank you.
Vincent Boutaud
Hi Jared,
Great work on the template, I like it a lot.
One quick note:
IFC default translators relate to the default names of the Building Materials. If one modifies the list the defaults translators won’t work as well until those are modified too.
You can either make new default translators that works with for the new edited Building Materials Or Edit the default ones to match with your new/modified building materials.
Best Regards,
Jared Banks
Vincent, Great catch. I did not know that. I guess I’ll have to research and do a video, as even if people stick with the default names of BMats, they will still be adding more. Thanks!
Vincent Boutaud
Anytime Jared. I’ve been adding quite a few Building Materials myself and updating my translator as needed.
Jared Banks
FYI for anyone wanting to see the template in ArchiCAD 16, here’s a quick port via Save As (I did nothing beyond that):
Shoegnome Open Template v17.X ArchiCAD 16 port
fuzzytnth3 aka Graeme
Here is a link to metricificated (is that a word?) version plus I have added Cisfb codes and followed BS1192 as far as layer naming goes. BS1192 says using extensions is not allowed so I have left them in as it is fundamental to your template.
Some of your composites we would have different build ups for the UK market but I haven’t changed them only modified the thicknesses to follow UK sizes.
A couple of questions
1 What is a “Half Wall” layer for?
2 The code you have named your Building Materials with. What system is that you have used?
Anyhoo here is the link
fuzzytnth3 aka Graeme
Forgot to say I changed over the View Titles to ArchiCAD 17 International jobs so no missing objects when using AC17 International.
Another question the default for the Title Object uses pen numbers that look like your Pen Sets do not use. Would you change their Pen or change the Pen Set?
Jared Banks
Awesome. Thank you. Do you mind if I add this to my Google Doc folder? I’m looking forward to seeing the changes, though it might be a week before I have the time to do it. So to your questinos:
1 The Half Wall layer might be a relic. It was used for half-height walls and railings to prevent things from merging with full height walls. Or for plans where I want those walls hidden and don’t want to much with the floor plan cut plane settings.
2 The code on the Building Materials are CSI MasterFormat numbers. They are from the original USA template. I’ve slowly removed them (I consider that some of the garbage I’ve left over). I like the idea of having that information in there, but it gets in the way for me for scheduling. It’s the same reason why the default USA Surfaces start with say “08 |” or similar while my customized Surfaces are starting to look like “Clear” or “Frosted” as the later looks much better in a schedule that is listing glass type. And honestly surfaces aren’t materials, they are finishes and should be treated as such.
3 I would change the pen of the default Title Object. I move everything drafted on the layouts or master layouts to pen 100 (so always black).
Sure load it up onto your Google docs, no problem.
Don’t know what you think but I was thinking that to develop my version further I should modify the composites to Uk standards. I also need to go through your Favourites as I haven’t looked at them at all.
I was also thinking that a Commercial building type template would be a good idea as well as that is the majority of the work I do.
Your template has a lot more Schedules than we use in the Uk so my version has split the schedules up as well as removing some of them. Mostly we do a Door Schedule and sometimes a Window Schedule for domestic work.
For a commercial building we always do Gross and Nett area schedules as well a Door Schedule. In addition we usually use a Schedule to calculate the insulation for ground bearing slabs.
Lots to do then!
Jared Banks
Templates are endless. I have a lot of schedules because I had a client that wanted to schedule everything and I was exploring. I’m not working with a new team that is even more interested in scheduling. I’ve learned a lot since I made the ones in my template and am reworking the schedules now to be more useful. I think updating favorites and doing a commercial template would be very cool. I also need to do a schedule for gross and net area. That’d be super useful.
I really appreciate that template Graeme. Much appreciated!
Brian Spears (@arktek)
Jared, I am sure you have answered this question elsewhere, but I haven’t run across it yet. I’m curious about setting up a template to handle either renovation projects or new construction projects. A few weeks ago (maybe a couple months now), I was about to split my office’s template into two: a new construction template and a renovation project template. Then, after the release of your open template, I decided to just handle it all in one template, with most tool Favorites, Defaults, and most Views set to New Construction / Planned Status; thinking that when we do a Renovation Project, we just use a cloned view of the stories set to Demolition Plan and set the Existing and To Be Demolished statuses as needed. Our local rep said to hold off on that – that ArchiCAD’s stated preference for new projects is to not use any of the Renovation Filters – to leave everything set to Existing.
To me, it seems to make a lot of sense to set up Favorites, Defaults, Views, etc to handle all design work as New Construction and to only need to set to Existing or To Be Demolished those Elements that are existing and those that need to be demolished. DWG exports can be set in the Translator so that new elements don’t have any special Prefix or Postfix, and only existing or demolished Elements get those amendments in the DWG conversion. I don’t do a lot of IFC exchange, so I am not as familiar with what (if any) issues might be run into there.
To your knowledge, is there any reason NOT to set up a template to be able to handle either a Renovation Project or a New Construction Project right out of the gate?
BTW, I’ve mentioned it before, but thanks again for the Open Template. Such a great resource for us aspiring ‘gnomes! 😉
Jared Banks
So here’s my take on it. If you’re not doing renovations then it doesn’t matter. Right? All your elements could be on existing or demo or new. It doesn’t really matter. Also in 17 there’s an option to bulk move all elements on one renovation status to another. So later on in the game you could always do that. (Reset Renovation Status). This actually means you could model an existing building using New elements and when you are finished you change everything New to Existing. It just means everyone in the office has to remember that.
With all that said, I’m going the route of New elements are New regardless of the type of project. Because from a BIM perspective that’s true. Why model something that’s New as Existing? That is antithetical to the big picture. (sometimes I think the party line from GS isn’t right).
I think your plan is the right way. Set things to New Construction. And then change what needs to be demo or existing to that. If you keep the Renovation Palette open it only takes one or two goofs (ei, elements disappearing or not copying in from an old file) to teach you to pay attention. Or at least that’s what I’ve learned since going the route of all elements set to New. Oh and by changing the Status of newly created elements in the Renovation Palette, one Favorite works for everything anyways. So starting a new project and documenting existing one just needs to make sure the Renovation Palette is set right. And then one click when it’s time to work on demo stuff or new stuff.
Hope that’s not too convoluted of an answer. Way too tired. 🙂 Glad you are getting inspired by the template. Totally the goal!
Brian Spears (@arktek)
Thanks, Jared. I knew you tended to stray away from the party line, and that you do it with intention – that you have a logical reason that your way works better (work environment, BMat naming, Pens, etc), so I expected your answer to be pretty much just like that.
Thanks for the link to the Reset Renovation Status. I somehow was not aware of that yet.
I was hoping to catch you in SC later this week, but it’s a 5 or 6 hour drive from here (I’m in Winston-Salem, NC), and I’ve got a busy week, so I’ve abandoned the idea. Maybe another time…
Hi Jared, I was wondering if there’s already repositories for the Open Templates, like a GitHub repository?
With such repositories, we could team up for the development, make groups for metrics and imperial for example, and sub-groups by language.
maybe we could define some kind of process, to test and share modifications and additions in betas, validate and get each responsible to implement the changes ?
Isn’t there any WordPress add-on to your website that could help us doing it?
(I’ve myself looked into Joomla’s extensions, and I’ve found the ProjectFork extensions, it’s a project management add-on)
BTW, thanks to your posts on Pen Sets, I’ve discovered Ken Huggins’ posts on simplified lists of layers, and I really liked it.
Jared Banks
I think that’s a great idea, but something I can’t spearhead right now. Way too busy to even tackle all the things I need to do (like share the metric version of my template that someone sent me way too long ago). If someone else pulls something like that together, I’d be happy to support it.
This is generous of you. This template is a good start for anyone trying to get up to speed to great organization methods in ArchiCAD.
Pingback: Parameter Transfer in ArchiCAD - Shoegnome
tim hanagan
How is the v18 template going?
Great job, thanks!
Jared Banks
Glad you like the template. The v18 template is coming along, but slow. I have the ideas I want figured out, it’s just a matter of finding the time to implement them. I meant to do it this week, but then I agreed to help two local firms in Seattle each get a project out the door by Thanksgiving. So now it’s looking like early December if I’m focused. Which I so need to be! Fortunately those two projects are reinforcing some things I’ve been mulling over, so the delay will only make the template better. Thank you for pestering and for your patience. I need it. 🙂
Pingback: Shoegnome Open Template for ArchiCAD 18 - Shoegnome
tim hanagan
Jared, Thanks I will check it out!
Pingback: Shoegnome Open Template Updates: 18.12 and port to 17
Thanks for the Template, Jared! I have a quick question: When looking at a section view, I see that there is a lot of hatch detail, particularly in the sheathing. Is there any way to make the level of detail scale dependent? at 1/4″ scale, It would be nice to keep the larger scale fills such as the concrete and batt insulation while turning off the small fill such as the plywood hatch. I’m curious how to avoid a “muddy” print output with all of the composite details shown at 1/4″ scale.
Thanks again for all of the advocating you do for ArchiCAD.
Jared Banks
The hatches are all dependent on pen sets. So you could just switch pen sets. I don’t have a pen set with hatches off and uniform line weights, but you could easily make one. Or better yet, just augment the penset “X Fills (Color) Hatch (On) Lines (Black, Uniform)” to be “X Fills (Color) Hatch (Off) Lines (Black, Uniform)”. If you open the Pens and Colors Attribute dialog box, scroll through the pen sets and watch how the colors change. If you want the hatch always own, use pen number 13 for your Fill foreground color. If you want it to be on or off, change it to pen 181-200, depending on the corresponding fill background color. You’ll notice that when Hatches go from On to Off, Pens 181-200 go from gray to matching the color below.
Does that make sense? I’m planning to do a few posts and maybe a video on this after the new year. I meant to do it sooner, but…life. 🙂
Yes. That makes sense. It just took me a bit to understand the basic format and different functions of your different pen sets. I like the logic of how it changes the visibility of different views. Thanks for the quick reply.
Jared Banks
No problem. Glad it all makes sense.
Thanks for the Template. Is a metricificated version maybe already made also?
Jared Banks
At the moment there is no metric version of my template. Hopefully that’ll change one way or another later in the year. But too soon to tell.
I made one from Jared’s first version and I am working on the latest version but I haven’t kept all of the content that Jared has in his as we do not have need of all the schedules.
I have also modified his layer system to BS1192 but I haven’t completed a BS1192 style Title Box.
My final thing to resolve is the use of Pensets which in our office we have not agreed a strategy to go with as we have our current system ie just using two pensets one for General Arrangement drawings and one for Detailing but a colleague has suggested a different system and I still have to get my head round Jared’s system (I am quite thick!).
I will post a link to my version once I have finished tidying up.
Also we are still using Cisfb as we feel until the Uniclass system is fully resolved there is no point changing and anyway I hate the idea of changing from nice two digit references to six or even eight digit references!
Gerald Wolff
Jared, Your site is just so inspiring, but I am afraid as a silver surfer learning the arts of ArchiCAD, so much of the terminology (technical not building) is over my head, but hopefully, in time, it will become apparent.
My big question is, for starters, having purchased AC 17 and upgraded to 18, where is the best place to begin???? I am UK based.
Jared Banks
So glad you find what I’m doing inspiring. It’s what keeps me going as well! As for where to begin, I recently wrote a blog post on that exact topic! I want to learn ArchiCAD, where do I start?
Gerald Wolff
Many thanks Jared. Always the ultimate answer.
Pingback: ArchiCAD Rendering Tutorial & Shoegnome Open Template
Giorgis Zacharakis
Thank you Jared! Very powerful resources here and in Video tips channel.
I start a new project with your template but I can’t find the rendering settings you are mentioning on your video tip. I think these settings are not saved with the project / template file but somewhere in the Archicad support folders. Please share the export settings directly here or on your youtube channel.
Jared Banks
Make sure you have downloaded the latest version of my template (the scenes were included in the template on February 23rd, 2015). Scenes are stored within the file and not in an external folder, so they should be there.
Pingback: Shoegnome Open Template 18.3 and Layer Improvements
Kepler Romcy
Hi Jared!
I am an architecture student from Brazil. I am starting the study of ArchiCAD by himself. I have followed the articles you write. I am also interested in Template metric for AC18.
Congratulations and thank you for helping me!
Jared Banks
Thanks. Glad to help!
Hi. first of all i wanna thank you for this tamplate ive dl it yesterday and its great:D but im having a problem while rendering. im not that good in with archicad rendering tool and sun position etc. ive used the default options from the template but some of my walls/surfaces are coming out totaly black and i dont know how to set the light right ( or is there another problem? ) pls help Thx alot
Jared Banks
Thanks. Glad you are enjoying the template. I’ve heard of this problem before, but I can’t remember the solution (I’m positive it is simple, but non-obvious; I think it’s a CineRender setting that is off). Ask the question (and post images) on the forum. I’m sure someone will give you a quick answer.
ok thx im still searching for a solution. i think it happens when you somehow see a another surface through a glass wall for ex. but still i cant find the answer thx anyway cool template:P
Jared Banks
yes! That’s exactly the issue. There is a post on the help center that talks about this. I think. I know Zoltan Toth has written about this. I just can’t remember where. But that is exactly the issue. And there’s an easy fix. Which I can’t remember! Definitely post on the forum. People will know what to do.
Hi, just so you know for the future. i woke up creative today and found the problem:D change the ray threshold to a lower value 😛 .
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Hi Jared!
I’m currently a student who’s just trying to learn a thing or two outside of the classroom. After having come across your website I saw the template and downloaded it only to find that it won’t work with my ArchiCAD 18 (because your template is for Archicad 19 I assume?)
Could you kindly assist me?
Thank you!
Jared Banks
Angus, links to my older templates are in the FAQ. If you are a student though, I suggest going to and downloading the student version of ARCHICAD 19. You’ll be much happier doing that and using my latest template.
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Jack Hillbrand
What did I miss?
Cannot find the Template download button.
also, once downloaded how is it implemented in AC 19?
Jared Banks
Jack, you can download the template by clicking on the PayPal support button or the link at the bottom of the post, right above the social media buttons. To use the template, launch ARCHICAD, select Use a Template, then browse for where ever you saved the Shoegnome Open Template .tpl file.
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ioana tarba
Hello. I have downloaded your template version 18 but it is for Archicad 19. Do you have one saved for archicad 18? Thank you very much.
Jared Banks
Here’s a link to the SOT v18.4, the final version of my ARCHICAD 18 template.
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Rodrigo Flores
Hi, Jared i was trying to locate the 19 version of your Template!.
By the way, what happens with pensets (yours) and the ones that objects have. i mean does this pensets respect their own pen index?
Thanks a Lot!!!
Jared Banks
At the top of the Template FAQ are links to my older templates:
My pen sets ignore the standard OOTB ARCHICAD pens, so all the default Library Objects (Windows, Doors, Objects, etc.) will have the wrong pens and fills. But that’s okay. If you start with the Template’s Favorites you’ll be fine. Also in ARCHICAD 20 I’ve set up a Graphic Override so pens and fills of entourage (furniture, trees, etc.) can be ignored because they are controlled globally by Layer.
Michael Gustavson
I’m trying out your template. It looks pretty great! One question: How do you measure things? I noticed there is no ruler tool anywhere, and no keystroke either. When I try to create my own keystroke for the ruler tool it never seems to work for some reason. I’m able to make keystrokes for other things but not the ruler.
Michael Gustavson
I said “ruler” but I meant “measure” tool in my last post. I realized that the keystroke for “measure” is M. I’m guessing this is why you don’t show the tool for measure anywhere because the keystroke is so easy and there is no need for the icon. Good idea! I can’t believe all these years I never knew the keystroke for “measure” was M.
Jared Banks
Anytime I can get rid of a button, I will! But I actually don’t (or rarely) use the Measure Tool (which is another reason I don’t have a button for it). Instead I use Shift+Option to move the User Origin to the starting point of what I want to measure. Once I do that, the coordinates at the bottom of the screen (or the tracker, if it’s on) will show me the measurements I’m looking for. I prefer this to the Measure Tool as it requires fewer clicks and less hand movement (my left hand usually rests over the left side of the keyboard anyways, so it’s super easy to hit Shift+Option). If I need to measure area or something else, I’ll probably do that with the Fill Tool or Element Information, as I want something a little more permanent to pull that data from.
the title block that comes with it is for 24×36 sheet correct?
Jared Banks
It’s the same title block for anything over 11×17. In my ARCHICAD 20 template, the same title block is used for 11×17, 22×34, 24×36, and 30×42. Take a look at the masters. You’ll see it’s the same title block view placed in all of them. For the bigger sheets, it’s placed twice in a way that provides more blank space. My theory was this: one title block for all sheets (for 11×17 it’s scaled down). Any special stuff that shows up in the blank space would be put on the master rather than the title block view.
Paul Ison
Hey!. I like the look of your template and am about to start working up my own template for our office which will be switching to ArchiCAD soon. These guys are Autosketch 2008 users so I’m a bit worried about the learning curve or if they will accept the change. We work on large residential jobs so I have no idea how they manage, but it does come down to their individual skill to make it work more than the software. I’m the inhouse 3D guy who has been doing interior layouts combining gradient fills and textures as well as renderings on layout sheets – they take a long time to do but its what has swayed them towards a change. I’ve been using ArchiCAD full time (in a very limited way) since 1997 but my layers and methods are cumbersome to say the least and only I know my workflow. I’ve been looking at this integration with other BIM like Revit but its looking very messy and confusing, so id rather we have simple layers in groups (maybe half the layers you have)
I like your layered approach but am curious about other things in your template. I know how to bring in pen and fills from other jobs etc but there is a lot I’m doing the slow way. Is there any chance you can provide a link to your archiCAD 18 template because I’m stuck on that version for now. We will be getting 20 for us all assuming everything goes to plan, but I need to get a template done before we start. I’m essentially still using a template from ArchiCAD 8 when I worked in a large housing company so I want to get away from that from scratch rather than adapting it.
Just a note on your composite rendering method: I’ve been rendering in vray for years (since 2007) and use a similar method to soften the images for client presentation: i’ll do a full colour render, ‘white card’ render and also a wireframe render. The end result is an almost white image, with some pastel colour (colour at maybe 80% transparent) on it and a very subtle hint of 3D wire behind – its a nice sketchy result!. There are some old ones on our webpage.
Keep up the good work!, regards Paul
Jared Banks
Paul, you can download earlier versions of my template from the FAQ. If you want to access my ARCHICAD 20 template in ARCHICAD 18, you won’t be able to directly. However you could open the template in a demo version of ARCHICAD 20 and export the Attributes to an .aat file (via the attribute manager) and then import that .aat file into an ARCHICAD 18 file.
HOWEVER, it’s not a good use of your time to develop an ARCHICAD 20 template in ARCHICAD 18. Too much has changed and you’ll need to rebuild the template in 20. For instance Visual Favorites and Graphic Overrides are new to AC20 and can’t be set up in AC18. You could put together a strategy, figure out layers and perhaps pen sets, but you really need to create the template in the version you will use. I highly recommend you convince your employers to update you to ARCHICAD 20 so that you can develop the proper workflows, rather than build them in a version of the software you’ll never use.
Paul Ison
great thanks for the tip Jared. I’ll just start planning out layers for now and start it fresh when we get 20.
I didn’t realise how different the standard ArchiCAD template was since I’ve never used it. What i’m looking for is a standard for pens, fills, layers and everything else that I can adapt to be relevant in Australia. I know that NATSPEC is working on a system using “LOD” but all I see is long-worded documents by people who don’t actually use the software and its the same when I look at the information from groups in the UK trying to set BIM standards so that it all works across various platforms. I don’t want to commit to one way only to find that we need to change down the track basically.
I think you are on the right track with the template. These groups just need to keep an updated current TPL so everyone knows where they are at with their system currently (all they have is 50 page PDF’s which effectively say nothing)
I know our engineers use AutoCAD and one of them has moved to Revit, so it would be good to be able to import aircon ducting from them as well as having a good standard for exporting. Hoping to negate any advantages of going to Revit with regard to correspondence basically.
Good luck with your template – I just wish more people were doing this!!!. I can’t find anything relevant to Australia without paying $500 just to look at it…(its a lot of money if you don’t use it)
Paul Ison
Thanks for the version 18 template link. I’ll look at that for now – it gives me a lot of good ideas.
I’ll send you my template for reference when I get it done assuming we go through with ArchiCAD 20. It will be adapted for our workflow (migrating from old software) with Metric units etc as well as a penset which focus’s on presentation (mostly greyscale + fill tones) with separate sections for 2D, 3D and interior layouts. I’ll also work up some favourites which tie in with residential construction standards in Australia. It may provide a different perspective. the guys are very specific and fussy (drawing board people) so I doubt a standard template is going to work for us.
Jared Banks
Always happy to look at other people’s templates. Also for layers, make sure to check out the ARCHICAD 20 template for the AUS version. I believe that the AUS team has done a lot to align with local standards. And/or reach out to Nathan Hildebrandt. He’s very knowledgeable of all things ARCHICAD in Australia.
Ralph Martin
I need a template for ArchiCAD v15 ( OS X ). I cannot upgrade to 20 until I am working full-time, but I am attempting to find small projects on my own…Thanks!
Jared Banks
Ralph, unfortunately I don’t have anything to offer. The earliest the Shoegnome Open Template goes back to is an ARCHICAD 17 version saved down to ARCHICAD 16. And the templates I was using for ARCHICAD 14 and 15 were hyper specific to clients/companies I was working with at the time.
Jellie Cobar
I’m a revit user for 4 years and I’m making the switch to archicad.. Thank you for providing this template for starters like me. Godbless you!
Jared Banks
welcome to ARCHICAD!
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Krzysztof (Chris)
Hi Jared,
Is any chance to get your Template for Archicad 17?
Jared Banks
Check the FAQ for links to previous versions of my template going back to ARCHICAD 16.
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Great Job! Thanks
Jared Banks
Thank you!
IN THE ADVICE FOR shoegnome open template, line 7, it gives advice for pen use. Im a user that like the color on screen but would rather use line weight to correspond to pen thickness. is there a pen set I should use for this approach? Im used to using vectorworks where its what you see is what you get there is no attempt at trying to match a color with a pen thickness.
Jared Banks
This blog post is based on an earlier version of my template, so the naming convention is a little different, but the concept is the same: Pen Sets, Part Eight: Thoughts on Naming. In short, yes. My template has 3 groups of pen sets: one for working with color fills, one for working with gray fills, and one for color = line weight. Just update your working views to color = line weight, make sure your printed drawings are set to what you want, and you’re good to go. The blog post explains it more clearly.
thanks Jared!
just did another pay pal…than you for the sample building. I have cyphered all the graphic overides and all that so Im doing a lot of eyedropper using your sample building.
also really like the sheet layouts way of ordering.
Im deleting some sheet subdivisions I dont need, I hope that does not mess up anything with how the whole template works.
Jared Banks
Deleting extra subdivisions won’t mess anything up. However, I would recommend just dragging them down to the ‘Not in Sheet Set’ folder. That way if you ever need them, they are there. Or if you need a new subdivision, you can drag one of those back into the list and swap out the names. That’ll be faster and easier than having to reverse engineer how all the automation is set up. Also, thank you for the continued support. Means so much to me. Thank you.
Hi Jared, how can I download the archicad 19 open template?
Jared Banks
There are download links to all my old templates in the FAQ.
Hello Jared. Do you have one saved for ArchiCAD 21? Thank you very much.
Jared Banks
Unfortunately I have yet to update my template for ARCHICAD 21. My goal is to do it by the end of September 2017. I first need to finish a few projects and spend a little more time with ARCHICAD 21. I’ll hopefully post an update later this week or next regarding my Shoegnome Open Template v21 and other news. In the meantime, if you head over to my Template FAQ page, I have uploaded a version of my ARCHICAD 20 template saved up to ARCHICAD 21 with the libraries replaced. That’s what I’ve been using the past few months to wrap up my ARCHICAD 20 work.
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Pingback: Shoegnome Open Template 21.21 for ARCHICAD 21 - Shoegnome Architects
MOnika Barbosa
hi, i”m new in Archicad. What is exactly the Structural Void form for?
and also the invisible forces? i didn”t get it what is the possible use for that?
Jared Banks
The Structural Void Building Material has a higher priority than most Building Materials, but lower than structural BMats (like steel and framing lumber). The idea is that you can use a slab made out of the Structural Void BMat to cut out everything in the structural space (ie, it can be used to cut walls within the joist space that shouldn’t appear there while not cutting the joists).
Invisible Forces are intended for all the things that are part of a building project but aren’t real/visible, such as building setbacks. This blog post talks about it (item 12).
(hoping this comment section is still notified for you) Can you explain what “model the invisible forces” means with respect to development standards? Do you already have a blog/vlog/youtube on this? Is there a clash detection process or is it just to create a visual contrast?
Jared Banks
I do still get notifications and reply as soon as I can. I’ve talked about this in various places, but I can’t remember where (or if it was on the now defunct Graphisoft North America Blog). Primarily this is just for visual contrast. And it’s a bit of an experimental/case by case situation. Sometimes sites have a weird setback or height limit or some feature I want to model so that I can go back and visually check later. Like if there’s an atypical height limit that’s easy to forget about. You note it and model it on day 1 and then months later you forget about it, so of course come up with a brilliant idea that ignores that limitation. But since you modeled it, you can turn on that Layer and BAM! You see the conflict cutting through your model and saved yourself a lot of permit corrections.
There’s probably a proper way to actually use clash detection for this, but I’ve never bothered to look into it as a red plane cutting through your building is pretty obviously a clash!
so a simple semi-transparent volume is enough to keep in the file as a double check
ok, perfect — thanks for the quick clarification!
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Thanks for all your work. Any thoughts on an updated template for AC 22?
Jared Banks
Yes! Thank you for asking. I’m working on it write now. Or well…I’m avoiding working on it at this very moment. I am starting a measure on Monday September 17th with my ARCHICAD 22 template. By the end of that week, I’ll have hopefully found any obvious bugs and be ready to share.
Scott Menard
I found this article from a link in your 12 Steps to starting project. As you and and I have spoken about over the phone, I am new to Archicad and want to learn it from professional users like you with a good well thought out template to design Elevated Beach houses. I was hoping this link took me to you Archicad 22 Template but it appears to focus on 21. How do I access your version for 22? Given you and I focus on residential plans for Reno and New homes, I am confident your template will contain all the elements for modeling through ConDoc creation. Thanks for all you do for the Archicad community.
Jared Banks
I started a measure on Monday September 17th with my ARCHICAD 22 template. By the end of that week, I’ll have hopefully found any obvious bugs and be ready to share. When it’s ready to share, I’ll update this page, do a blog post, an e-mail to my mailing list, and a bunch of social media posts.
David Gulbrandsen
Jared, I am working on my own company template, and I believe much of the work is done. BUT: As I have mentioned before (some years back), I have made title blocks for different master layouts as GDL-objects. I took your advice from back then and skipped scale as auto text in my title blocks, and now use the build in titles for the drawings (views) on the different layouts. There is only one thing missing, and that is the option to display the name of the master layout used for the different layouts. This would allow me to tell clients that the original format of the layout is A4, A3, A2 or any other format, by naming the different master layouts by the size used. Do you have any clue on how I can achieve this? I have read posts on ARCHICAD talk ( and found several posts from other people with the same desire, but no answers to how.
Jared Banks
I remember that discussion! I looked around and still can’t find a way to automate what you want to do.
Jared Banks
This seems obvious, but why don’t you just add text to the Master Layout that shows this? Whatever is on the Master Layout shows up everywhere, so if you had manual text on the Master Layout that says A4, A2, or whatever won’t that be the equivalent of what you’re trying to achieve? If you set up all your masters this way, when you switch between masters this text would automatically change and display based on the master.
David Gulbrandsen
Yes, this I what we do now. We use two different title blocks, one for preliminary/approval and one for production. This means two complete sets of master layouts A4 to A0, in addition to some without title block and a variation of landscape/portrait. So it is just a little irritating not to be able to integrate this in our title blocks, not really a big problem.
Please tell if you would like a copy of our title blocks, just to see how they appear and how to make them. Apart from obvious language problems and info box differences, they would give you the idea.
Jared Banks
I’m always up for seeing how other people work. I’d be happy to look at your title blocks.
Giorgis Zacharakis
David, you can just use the “Tree by master” in the organizer’s Layout Book and add a shortcut per master layout to a publisher set. Publish by creating real folder structure.
**** post again in correct place. Please Jared remove my previous wrong placed post.
David Gulbrandsen
Giorgis, I guess that could work in a way, but the need is often when a client has printed the drawing, say an A1 format on an A3 printer, and no longer has control of the scale/sheet size. Then it would be lovely to have the original paper size printed as auto text on the layout, to inform the viewer about the discrepancy. But ideas like yours often bring out new solutions, so thanks anyway.
Jared Banks
The Shoegnome Open Template v22 for ARCHICAD 22 is now available. Enjoy!
First I wanted to thanks you for your work. Your blog is empty of very good informations.
I’m working with archicad 21 and I can’t find the template for it. I just can download the 22 version.
Is it possible to download it somewhere?
I thank you again for your job.
Sorry for my english, I’m a french architect which is improving her english and archicad using at the same time ! 😉
Jared Banks
Old versions of my template are available for download here:
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Hi Jared,
thank you for the template and all your posts. They are really helpful and I am glad that I found your blog. I am creating my own template now and I would like to use renovation filter options from your file but somehow it is impossible to export them. There is no reaction on “export…” button. Do you think that there could be some way to solve this problem? I would rather avoid doing it manually 🙂
Jared Banks
That’s strange. I have no trouble exporting the Renovation Filters from my template when I try it. Try restarting ARCHICAD and then your machine, checking another file, saving a file out from the template and seeing if that works, etc. My hunch is it’s not just my template file. If all that fails, feel free to send me an email and I can send you the renovation filters.
Pingback: Shoegnome Open Template for ARCHICAD 23 – Shoegnome Architects
Jon Miller
Hello, do you have archive copies of your templates? I’m still using version 21 and would love to compare your template to my messy customised one based on the default.
I’ve done some searching but keep ending up on the v23 download page (which won’t work on V21).
Cheers J
Jared Banks
As mentioned above, on the template FAQ page there are links to the previous templates.
Dude. I just lost everything from the past year in Archicad and the past six years of CAD due to a ransomware virus. It attacked my back up too. Thank youuuuuu for supplying a template so I can at least have a head start at catching back up to where I was. Backing up to the cloud from now on. Thanks again. See you at next Archicad convention 🙂
Jared Banks
I’m so sorry. That sucks. I had a computer stolen in 2006. I lost all my school work and college portfolio. Fortunately there wasn’t that much else of value on my computer at the time. Nothing was backed up. Silver-lining, I promise you’ll never lose any data ever again. I’m glad at least my work can be of some value to you.
Hello Jared,
Thank you for all of the work you’ve put into creating the templates. I didn’t fully appreciate the importance of a good template until I moved into an office without one! I’m working with the AC18.4 template as a starting point to create an office template and I’ve noticed that the foreground fills will only show in gray. It doesn’t seem to matter what color is chosen, they all show in gray. I’ve tried to fix it via the ‘Automatic Pen Color Visibility Adjustment for Model Views,’ but that hasn’t fixed the problem. I also tried toggling through the different pen sets, but to no avail. When I open a file with the standard AC template the fills show correctly, so it doesn’t seem to be a bug in the program. Do you have any suggestions on how I can make the fills show up correctly? Thank you!
Jared Banks
Sounds like the issue is all your elements are set to existing, so the renovation filters are superseding everything else. Change the elements to NEW or change the renovation filter to EXISTING and you are good to go.
Pingback: Top Ten Ways To Jumpstart Your Archicad Journey – GRAPHISOFT North America
Pingback: Pen Sets: Part Four – GRAPHISOFT North America
Pingback: Pen Sets, Part Seven: it's time to break from color = thickness – GRAPHISOFT North America
Pingback: Pen Sets, Part Eight: Thoughts on Naming – GRAPHISOFT North America
Pingback: Pen Sets, Part Nine: Graphic Overrides – GRAPHISOFT North America
Pingback: Archicad Layer Theory Part 5: Attribute Names and the Tyranny of Alphabetical Order – GRAPHISOFT North America
Pingback: Shoegnome Open Template v24 for Archicad 24 – Shoegnome Architects
David Hurchanik
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sandile Dludla
thanks for the tamplate
do you have the tamplate in windows not MAC if you do please send me one
Jared Banks
All Archicad files work on both Mac and PC, so just download the template from here and you’ll be all set.
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Pingback: Shoegnome Open Template v25.2 for Archicad 25 update 2 – Shoegnome Architects
Thanks for the template, How can I get the metric version of 25 update
Jared Banks
In the Shoegnome Open Template FAQ there is a link to a post and video on how to convert the template to metric. I don’t provide a metric version myself because there are too many local specifics that I’d be guessing at. But it shouldn’t take you that long to convert.
I convert it myself and tweak things to UK defaults. Pretty straightforward process once you have done it once you know what to sort.
I have my own template now but of a more commercial flavour which uses lots of Jared’s ideas.
Jared Banks
You template has make my work easy thanks for that
I have this challenge my Door, window and other schedule information are not displaying
What should I do please
Jared Banks
Check the criteria in the window and door schedule, then review your windows and doors to see what they are missing. The schedules in the templates are all based on properties. You’ll need to make sure the doors/windows are set to new, exterior, show on schedule, glazing (yes), and maybe one more criteria. You’ll also need to make sure the windows and doors are classified as windows or doors.
It might be a little annoying the first time or two you deal with all this, but then it’ll be easy and amazingly versatile.
(Similarly for other schedules, check the criteria and make sure your elements have all the right properties and are classified correctly)
Pingback: Shoegnome Open Template v25.3 for Archicad 25 update 2 – Shoegnome Architects
Hi There, Do you still have links for the older versions of the ArchiCAD template – specifically v23?
Jared Banks
I do. Links to all my old templates are available on the FAQ.
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Pingback: Shoegnome Open Template v26 for Archicad 26 and v25.4 for Archicad 25 - Shoegnome Architects
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Pingback: Shoegnome Open Template v26.21 for Archicad 26 - Shoegnome Architects
Pingback: Using Favorites to Model a Bathroom in Archicad - Shoegnome Architects
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