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BIM Breakfast

The next BIM Breakfast Club is on Tuesday September 21st @ 7:30 am in the boardroom at the AIA Minnesota offices. If you haven’t been to a BBC session, it’s worth getting over to International Market Square and joining the discussion. Be warned though, it’s heavy on the BIM and light to non-existant on the breakfast. I think the first meeting I attended last year had donuts, but nothing since. But that’s okay. You should be coming to learn more about BIM, not to get a free breakfast.

The topic is how BIM standards and requirements impact project delivery. Some pretty heady stuff and well beyond the scope of most of our daily BIM usage, especially in the residential world. But as we improve our ArchiCAD skills, we need to keep an eye on what’s next and be ready to add to our services and abilities.


  • September 23, 2010

    I try to go to the BBC meetings when I can. When I am able to attend, I often feel a little like a simple lake fish being exposed to the ocean ecosystem. Big firms, complex needs, demanding project delivery methods; a different world than a lot of residential work. Still, good information, and some thought-provoking stuff.

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