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ArchiCAD School 2012/2013 in the USA?

There’s been a lot of talk on LinkedIn about trying to do an ArchiCAD School similar to the Spring / Summer / Winter Schools that are done in Europe. What level of interest is there for doing one in the United States and/or Canada sometime in 2012 or 2013? I’ve created a poll on the forum. Take a moment and vote. And then add your voice to the discussion on LinkedIn.

Personally I think this is a great idea and if there’s enough interest, I’ll definitely be one of the people trying to organize it. We are already looking at potential sites on both the East and West Coasts. Though living in Minnesota and missing Texas, I’d be happy to see the event somewhere in the middle of the continent. If you have a strong preference or any ideas about location, feel free to comment about that after you vote.

If you live under a rock and are not familiar with the ArchiCAD Schools run by ACUA, read the recap of the ArchiCAD Spring Academy 2011 and then check out their website. Also it’s not too late to sign up for the 2011 Summer School in September.


  • August 14, 2011

    I for one would attend to improve my skills…

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