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One of the many reasons why I love Blogging (about ArchiCAD & BIM)

On Sunday I briefly wrote about an ideal job posting I saw a few months back. The post generated some nice traffic to the blog and stirred up some good comments in various places. BUT most importantly it spurred one Southern California firm that uses ArchiCAD to post this comment. Anyone in that area looking for a job? Hopefully I just helped connect someone with a great forward-thinking firm. If that happens, let me know!


  • May 10, 2012

    Interesting reply comments in the original blog article…BIM modeling is not something an Architect should ever feel like he/she has to “sell” to a client. If you do it right, it saves time and money over traditional CAD drafting on appropriate projects. End of discussion. There’s no “please, please please Mr. Client, let us model your project in BIM”…aren’t we to the point where BIM should be old hat by now?

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