Fun with Slabs – AKA Archi-treeStump and Slab ramps. Yes. Slab ramps.
Did you know you can make a ramp using just a slab and nothing else?
Recently I’ve had opportunities to model quite a few schematic designs and imaginary buildings for the creation of renderings and walk-through movies. I love working on these types of models in ArchiCAD. A part of me would be happy to just get paid to design and model imaginary structures (take that as a hint). You don’t have to worry about how the building goes together. It’s just about surfaces, feelings and prettiness. Maybe that’s why I’m such a fan of Steven Holl’s phenomenological approach to architecture (and yes I know that’s an over simplification).
Because I’ve been focusing on the experience of viewing the models, I’ve learned a ton of cool new tricks in ArchiCAD. When working on presentation models one needs to create a lot of objects and elements that are typically ignored in a model built solely for construction documents. Many I’d never have found in my regular work. Take this post for instance. Or this one. Both are some of my favorite posts.
So here’s some cool stuff about slabs now that they can have custom edge conditions.
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Scott Newland
This is very interesting, and I’d never thought to use slab edge variations in that way. Thank you for the tip!
Rich Streufert
Tapering the edge of the slab – what version of ArchiCAD will allow you to do that?
We are using version 10.
Jared Banks
Version 13 is when the slanted slab edges and custom materials for each slab edge appeared. There’s a list on the ArchiCADwiki that highlights the major changes between versions here: http://archicadwiki.com/ArchiCAD%20versions It’d definitely not an exhaustive list, but it gives a good sense of how much is being added/updated in recent years.
Great video; I liked it so much. Keep on providing us with those tips
Eric Bobrow
Very cool!
Carlos Puello
Very cool video but some of the problems that i have with the slab in curb cut is that the representation in 2D is not real i better to use the mesh tool, but for objects looks really good.
mathias bet
you mentionned you ussed custom edge settings , but where can i retrieve this pallet.
I use ac 15( dutch version)
thank for the video
Jared Banks
Custom edge settings appears in the pet pallet. To get it to show up in the pet pallete you need to click on an edge of the slab in plan or in 3D. If you are trying to select the edge in 3D, you need to click on the bottom edge of the slab face.
Pet palettes can be a little tricky because depending on where and how you select an element you get a slightly different set up buttons in the palette.
mathias bet
thanks jared, eureka I found it
great blog
Jared Banks
Good! Glad you like the blog; it’s always great to hear.
Giorgis Zacharakis
Thanks! I would never had thought it my own. A simple workflow for complex shapes. Keep posting.
Is it also available in AC14
Jared Banks
I believe all the additional slab edge features appeared in ArchiCAD 13, so yes you should be able to do all this in 14 as well.
Thank you for quick reply, but I am not able to insert slanted slab in AC14.Please guide on same.
Jared Banks
Palak, take a look at this article:
and this one:
You need to first draw the slab, then use the pet palette to add the slant. If you watch the video, around minute 1:30, I use this option.
This is done in AC13 I am not able to use this in AC14
Jared Banks
Not sure how else to help. All the slab edge options that were introduced in ArchiCAD 13 are available in ArchiCAD 14.
how can i creat aslant slab
Jared Banks
If you want the top and bottom of the slab to slope, you need to use the Roof tool.
Carlos A. Puello
Is good, but does not give a good floor plan representation. Great to do just 3D.