Is it already time for ArchiCAD Summer School 2012?!
Almost. But it IS time to start registering.
What are you doing September 4th through the 8th? Want to hang out with some great people in Liverpool, England and learn more about ArchiCAD? The ArchiCAD events put on by ArchiCAD Users Association International are great places to connect with the community, learn about ArchiCAD, and often get some sneak peeks at the future. The event offers a mix of sessions, great for everyone from newbies to power users.
Learn more about ArchiCAD Summer School 2012 and register here.
What’s Your Excuse this time, Jared?
I always seem to have some excuse… Last year Summer School fell during either my wife’s first week of school or during orientation (can’t remember which it was). This year it’s the week I return to St. Paul from Boston. Some day I’ll make it. I swear! But don’t worry, I’ll be eager to read the recaps and super jealous of everyone who gets to attend. As always…
I missed the summer school but am wondering when’t the next chance to do something similar? Is there a winter school?
Jared Banks
I don’t have the exact dates in front of me, but there will be a winter school in January of 2013. I’m sure you can find out all the details at ACUA’s website here: