More lessons from children’s TV
Don’t talk about the brontosaurus in a room full of dinosaur lovers
The other day on Sesame Street they did a segment on dinosaurs. They mentioned a brontosaurus. Dinosaur Train would never mention a brontosaurus. Why? Because it’s not a real thing. It was a mistake from the late 19th century. It just happens to be super famous.
If you’re looking for information, make sure you are using the right source. Read about ArchiCAD on the archicadwiki, an ArchiCAD blog or the forum. Learn about Revit from true Revit Warriors: many of which I’m happily getting to know on Twitter. Likewise taking information from a drawing? Make sure it comes from a good model, not just some uncoordinated circles and lines from a 2D CAD program.
Thanks to xkcd for some continued inspiration. Still confused about brontosauruses? Don’t be.
Josh Capistrant
Nice. The big pink dinosaur tie-in is perfect. Odd, but perfect.
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