Mac Application Switcher + ArchiCAD
I just started using Command-Tab to pull up the Mac Application Switcher. I’ve accidentally used it before, but never intentionally. It’s AWESOME for quickly switching between multiple ArchiCAD files. Which happens to be something I’m doing a lot of right now.
But what I’m really loving right now is this: while holding down Command (Cmd), tap the Tab key and let go of both buttons. Don’t be slow about it. To get really pedantic, I recommend holding down Cmd with your left thumb and hitting Tab with either your ring or middle finger. Instead of pulling up the Mac Application Switcher, you’ll switch between your current application and the last one you used. Which means if you’re jumping between two open instances of ArchiCAD, Cmd+Tab is a life saver. Also the switch doesn’t effect what’s happening in ArchiCAD, so you can keep elements selected when you hit Cmd+Tab. Being able to switch back and forth mid-command is so nice.
This Mac feature has been around since at least 10.6, so if you’re not on Lion or Mountain Lion don’t despair. Not sure if there’s an equivalent function for PC users. Anyone know?
And yes that’s the Doomsday Clock in the background. It reminds me to be ever vigilant.
James Murray
Hi Jared,
You might also enjoy Cmd+` (the key above Tab), which switches between windows within an application. It’s handy for rapidly switching between the floor plan and a model window.
In Windows Alt+Tab switches between apps; I think it predates the Mac feature by some time.
Patrick May
this is definetly a huge time save. cntrl+tab should work on most pc’s too. Also, take advantage of the command+~ to switch between open windows in a single instance of ArchiCAD
Jared Banks
Patrick and James. Thanks for sharing some added information (and what seems like a psychic-link). I’ll check out Cmd+` once I fire up ArchiCAD in a few minutes. And glad to know Alt+Tab functions the same way on PCs. After using PCs pretty much exclusively from about 1986 to 2006, I’ve gotten a little dumb, forgetful, and behind the times on what they can do.
Andy Kilanowski
And here’s another neat trick. If you have a lot of applications running, hit open-apple (that’s command for you young’ns) you can swtich to the right… well, if you have the app switcher open and you keep command held down then press ~ you can go backwards through the list. Also a time saver… kind-of…
Paul Setti
Another useful tool is using spaces on the apple platform. You can devote a seperate screen view for each version of Archicad Runing and just switch screens using the control key and the arrow keys or a number key (representing the screen number). I open a new instance of Archicadd and quickly before it opens hit control + right arrow, for instance and then let the program complete opening in that screen. I then only have to slide left or right with the control + left or right arrow to move from one instance to another. If you have more than two instances open then do the same when opening additiona instances of AC as described and hit control + the number keys say 1, 2, or 3 to jump to those specific screens. Spaces is configurable in system preferences.
Jared Banks
Paul, thanks for the reminder about spaces. I used them constantly on 10.6, but for some reason haven’t used them as much on 10.7. I need to restart using them!
Billy Earnest
Windows Alt+tab for switching between programs has been around since the beginning of time. As a fairly new Mac user, but a windows user since the beginning; it’s always surprising to me how ‘mac people’ find something like this & are amazed by it (& sometimes make it seem like apple did something amazing), when it’s just ‘basic functionality’ to use old windows users…..heehee It’s one of the first things I tried when I stared using a Mac. Very handy!
Jared Banks
Billy, yeah. It’s always funny when we are exploring new versions of software and just find old things we never knew existed. Or forgot about. Or are new to our program, but old hat for other people. One of very early posts talked about just that (well the first two pieces): And I think I’ve now been writing long enough that I can go back to old posts and relearn all the things I don’t remember…
Bill Michels
Control number works great, thanks for that tip. Occasional I will hit the wrong/right key combination and all the windows will open so you can choose the program you want, does anyone know that shortcut?
Bill, do you mean Expose settings on Mac? There you can set shortcuts to display All Windows, Application Windows and Desktop, and set an “active corner” for the same, where you just send your cursor quickly to one corner to perform one of the above (or other) functions. Sometimes handy, sometimes a pain. 🙂
Jarod, you should have known this, how embarrassing! Thanks for posting though, I’m sure there’s things that I do that aren’t that efficient. I train some people on ArchiCAD and when I see them minimising each window, or dragging the title bar away for each window I go mad! Off topic – check out kuvva on the mac app store.
Jared Banks
I’ll go check out Kuvva. Thanks. And regarding embarrassment… I feel as long as I expose my ignorance and help others, then I can just focus on the enlightenment involved. I think I didn’t use it before now because I was using two monitors and spaces, so that was just as effective/fast.
Jared Banks
By the way everyone… LOVING using Cmd+`. Between that and Cmd+Tab, my computer life just got so much faster. Thanks for the bonus tips.
Jared: I created a post on my Archicademy facebook page earlier tonight, which builds on this tip. See link below. Your Mac followers should really enjoy the read and get a lot from it.
Jared Banks
Brett, great follow up. I’m a big fan of spaces and hot corners!
For Windows users, there is also the “win key” (also known as the Windows key, the home key, the meta key, the start key, MOD4, or the flag key) to toggle between opened tabs if multiple tabs are open (works only in Aero Theme). Similar to Alt-Tab, but nicer 🙂