ArchiCAD Tutorial Videos on YouTube
Fun Fact:
YouTube was officially launched in November 2005. I first learned ArchiCAD in January 2006.
While writing my post on ArchiCAD heroes, I realized I was defining them very narrowly. I wanted to focus that post on those shining lights that kept me going when I was a new user, deep in despair, and feeling alone. Those giants showed me the way. But that’s only part of the story. When I first learned ArchiCAD there was really only one major source of learning that I was aware of: The Forum. It was early 2006. Now in 2013 there are so many other places and ways to get great information about ArchiCAD. Today I want to focus on one of those other great resources: YouTube.
ArchiCAD Tutorials on YouTube
I’m at 301 subscribers, almost 35,000 views, and 12 videos. I intend to at least double those numbers this year. And ideally I’d like to do that before ArchiCAD 17 comes out. Not that any of us knows when that’ll be. So I better start recording some new videos ASAP. In general my videos focus on methods and techniques that help create beautiful, efficient models and drawings. I’m also interested in demystifying some of the basics of ArchiCAD (like the dimension tool). If you’ve read any of my ArchiCAD tip blog posts, imagine those, but in video format.
Eric Bobrow ArchiCAD Tutorials
Eric Bobrow has almost 3,000 subscribers, close to 650,000 views, and 33+ videos. I am a big fan of many of his videos. Two in particular that I am always recommending are his introduction to how guide lines changed in ArchiCAD 15 and his video about using Solid Element Operations to create paths and roads in site models.
And of course there is the mothership: Graphisoft’s official channel. Almost 3,000,000 views, nearly 7,500 subscribers, and over 1,000 videos. Wow. Recently Graphisoft has started releasing some short videos covering the ultra basics of ArchiCAD. You can easily find them here. Also to tease about ArchiCAD 17 again… whenever a new version of ArchiCAD comes out, Graphisoft releases a flood of videos showing off the new features (a combination of PR and mini-tutorials). So keep an eye out for those.
In addition to being the UK reseller for Graphisoft, Applecore Designs is a great ArchiCAD resource. They’ve got a whole bunch of videos that are worth checking out. Close to 1,000 subscribers and 900,000 views.
Learn Virtual (in a simplistic sense) has a similar business model to Eric Bobrow. They’ve got both a lot of great (and short) tutorial videos on YouTube, and if you want more they’ve got a wide range of paid courses as well.
Apollo hasn’t added any videos in a long time, but what I love about the few ArchiCAD videos that he has is that they walk you through creating a very simple building in ArchiCAD. Great for beginners. I’ll need to harp on Apollo to get some more videos recorded.
Florian has about 20 videos focusing on a wide range of ArchiCAD techniques and tips (modeling, visualization, documentation, etc.). The videos range from about a minute and a half to twenty minutes long. Definitely worth checking out. He also has some tutorial videos for some other programs as well.
So who am I missing?
Sometime later this winter I plan to rework my ArchiCAD Resources Page and create a similar ArchiCAD Video Tutorials Page with all these links and more. Consider this Version 0.5 of the ArchiCAD Video Tutorials Reference Guide. What other awesome ArchiCAD video channels are there on Youtube (or elsewhere). I know there are plenty of non-English videos, but that’s out of my purview. Share your favorites in the comments below.
Stefan Boeykens
While they are in Dutch only (at the moment?), I have a series of video-tutorials on different software available for free on YouTube.
ArchiCAD but also Unity, Cinema4D, SketchUp, AutoCAD, Artlantis. I plan for Rhino in the upcoming months as well.
Jared Banks
Thanks! I’m sure the language barrier won’t get in the way [too much… 😉 ]. I’m looking forward to checking them out.
And for anyone not familiar with Stefan, check out his advice on using BIM on early design: https://shoegnome.com/2012/10/10/bim-during-early-design/
Eric Bobrow
Hey Jared –
Thanks for featuring me so prominently here.
By coincidence (believe it or not, I hadn’t seen your post until just now), I added a page last week to my blog with similar information about ArchiCAD Tutorials Videos:
As they say…great minds think alike…
I have been inspired by your blog to write and create posts more frequently. Of course I will be adding more video tutorials this year as well.
Jared Banks
Glad to send some inspiration back your way! And yes that’s hilarious how we posted such similar lists within a day or so of each other.
Jared and Eric you two rock!
Your links help us a lot, especially for us in this other part of the world(Africa), you are light at far end of a dark tunnel.
With little resources we have, you have given us strength to persist and excel to a level of our fellow mates up there!
Jared Banks
Here’s another nice list of ARCHICAD related YouTube channels to checkout:
Jared Banks
Found this one today:
Pingback: Online ARCHICAD Training by BIM6x - Shoegnome
Pingback: Top Ten Ways To Jumpstart Your Archicad Journey – GRAPHISOFT North America
Dana Creasey
I have found ‘Black Spectacles’ with Josh Bone style is one of the more interesting, informative and digestible tutorial series that I have encountered.
Jared Banks
I didn’t realize Josh did training videos for Black Spectacles. That’s good to know. It looks like his beginner and intermediate training courses are from about 2017 using Archicad 20 and 21. While not the most current versions, I’m sure there’s still a ton of value. Thanks for sharing.