Picking a Subtype for an ArchiCAD Object (and some other important tips)
One of the greatest improvements in ArchiCAD 16 is how much easier it is to make objects. Not that it was particularly hard before, but along with the Morph Tool there have been some tweaks that mean there’s no excuse to not make lots of objects (and share them). But just selecting some elements and saving them as an object is usually not enough. You want to add some intelligence to the objects, you want some parameters for scheduling, and you want to make the object easy to revise (for instance, change the materials or pens without trial and error). And not just that. You want your objects’ options to be obvious to your coworkers and everyone else you share them with.
Well this video is a great first step to setting up parameters, defining materials, and preparing for future alterations and additions once you finally make good on your New Years Resolution to learn GDL (or was I the only one to make that resolution). Fortunately no GDL experience is required to replicate what I do in this video. Though it’ll be a good early step in the demystification of GDL’s wondrous power.
If you want to dig a little deeper into Object Subtypes in ArchiCAD, you might start here.
If two ArchiCAD Gurus tell you this is IMPORTANT, will that be more convincing?
Eric Bobrow did a much longer video that covers selecting a subtype and a lot of other techniques as part of a video about importing objects from other programs. It’s definitely worth watching. I’ve been really enjoying his focus on object creation recently. If you want even more about Object creation, check out this other video Eric Bobrow did that covers custom 3D hotspots and tweaking the 2D symbol.
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Scott Graham
Nice video. I never actually utilized the sub-type feature on my objects to populate the parameter list. I’ll have to try it.
One suggestion for those starting out with GDL coding: When you use this method to create custom objects, move your model to the global origin point in model space (0,0,0). Coordinate a logical reference point on your base model (the center back of the grill or one of the corners) with the global origin.
The 3D coding uses the actual global location of the various geometries. One day when you revisit earlier objects that you may want to add features or variations to, the dimensions will be based on the 0,0,0 point rather than the random point where the model elements were placed when the object was created. The same goes for straight 2D objects as well.
I recently revisited many objects I made in a similar fashion back in my clumsy attempts at GDL circa 2006. The dimensions in the coding were a mess to try to make sense of because they weren’t based on a logical origin.
Jared Banks
GREAT GREAT GREAT advice. I’ll need to remember that. Makes me think that having an Object Creation .pln isn’t such a bad idea. A file stripped of everything but the basics with a clear “start modeling here” note, etc.
Thanks for sharing!
Scott Graham
It also wouldn’t hurt to keep a list of standard parameters you use on regular basis. Graphisoft has several of these, and you can create some of your own. For example, my contour pen is almost always called “cpen” in every one of my objects. When you want to make global changes across a series of objects, you can do it with different objects so long as their parameter names are consistent (this works very well in element families like the archicad’s cabinet elements).
Oh yeah, keep a txt file somewhere with various snippets of code you find helpful or repetitive.
Jared Banks
Oh very cool. Want to write a guest post talking more about that with some images? 🙂
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Jack Karanja
thanks archicad group you teach us for free…….
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