Emerging Professionals and writing for the CRAN Chronicle
UPDATE 09/11/13 – The AIA CRAN Chronicle is always looking for submissions for current and future issues of the newsletter, so ignore the dates below and send in your stories.
So you might recall that I wrote an article for the AIA CRAN Chronicle recently. Well I enjoyed it so much that I’m now part of the editorial team putting together future issues. We’re now looking for content for the Spring 2013 Edition. Perhaps you’ve got a story to share? I imagine there’s a large subset of my readers who are emerging professionals that have some great experiences to share. Experiences that need to be heard by others in the AIA. NOTE: you don’t need to be part of the AIA to submit, I think. The deadline for submissions is April 25, 2013. Here’s the official ask:
The AIA Custom Residential Architects Network (CRAN) is looking for submissions from emerging professionals for their quarterly newsletter, the CRAN Chronicle. We would like to find out how young architects contribute to custom residential projects, and what impact they have on architecture firms that focus on this type of work. Share your stories! Brief written descriptions (150-500 words) and graphics are welcome and encouraged. If you would like to be featured in an upcoming CRAN Chronicle, please contact CRAN@aia.org.
Click here to view the inaugural issue of the CRAN Chronicle and read what other emerging professionals have to say.
The Custom Residential Architects Network (CRAN) is looking for an Emerging Professional to volunteer to help gather information for our quarterly newsletter, the CRAN Chronicle. We’re specifically looking for an EP to contact CRAN members and discuss their favorite products for publication in our newsletter. This is a great opportunity for an EP who is interested in custom residential architecture to network with CRAN members from all over the USA. For more information, or to volunteer, please email cran@aia.org.
Roderick Anderson
Hey Jared,
I’ve followed and enjoyed your posts and tips on AC for quite some time now. Keep it up.
I am an International Associate AIA, and I own an architectural design-build firm in San Jose, Costa Rica. Have dedicated myself exclusively to high-end custom luxury homes for foreign clients over the past 7-8 yrs and this past year two of our projects (one personal design and one collaboration with a NY firm) have been awarded 5-Star, Best architecture and Highly Commended Awards at the International Property Awards 2012.
Feel free to have a review at my site, in the portfolio section under luxury homes you can see some of the projects we have done, and BTW all modeled in AC (started in AC9).
Let me know if you think this may be a good fit for the CRAN Chronicle.
Jared Banks
Roderick, I think your story wouldn’t be a good fit for the emerging professionals portion of the CRAN Chronicle, BUT I think the readership would be very interested in hearing more about your experiences and your firm.
Could you send an e-mail to cran@aia.org with perhaps a short concept for an article. Off the top of my head I think if you could talk about doing residential outside the USA or your relationship to the residential community as an International Associate AIA or… well you know your work and firm better. But if something like that sounds interesting, definitely send your thoughts along.
And of course, I’m glad you’re enjoying the blog!