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I was going to write a post about LOD

Level of Development or Level of Detail (depending on how you define LOD) is a super fascinating concept. And ultra-critical to functioning intelligently in BIM. It’s not a be-all, end-all answer to success in BIM, but an awareness of the development and certainty of the information in BIM greatly benefits communication. And Communication is at the heart of good collaboration (foreshadowing).

Instead of me writing more tonight, I’ll stop and suggest you read these two excellent posts:

First, find the time and read this behemoth from Practical BIM. It’s fresh (just published last week) and wonderfully extensive. After reading it, I released I didn’t need to write a post myself. I just needed to point out this one. I’m sure after I digest everything, I’ll have something to add. But for now, stop reading this post and head over there.

WAIT! Don’t stop reading just yet.

If you only have a moment, read this post from All Things BIM. It gives a quicker overview of the situation. It’s hard to believe it’s from December 2008. Seems like a billion years ago.


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