Minnesota ArchiCAD User Group Meeting: Number 20
Minnesota ArchiCAD User Group 20
That’s right. It’s time for our 20th Minnesota ArchiCAD User Group meeting since 2009. Who would have thought that almost four years after that warm September evening we’d still be at it. Here are the details:
What’s Going to Happen:
Our 20th meeting is a big deal. Where to start. An RSVP isn’t required, but it will be appreciated this time. Why? Because I’m bringing pizza and beer. I’m kind of a food snob. So there won’t be any crummy cardboard pies. It’s going to be Punch Pizza. And probably Summit Beer. No MGD or Bud Light, unless Ben brings it (he probably will). Although now that I think about it, Dos Equis might be more appropriate. If a free dinner isn’t enough to convince you, how about a sneak peek at ARCHICAD 17? That’s right. We’re going to be checking out all the cool new features of ArchiCAD 17. There’s a lot. And you’re going to love them. So join us on May 28th for pizza, beer, and ArchiCAD 17.
Seriously. You want MORE reasons to attend? Easy parking, a nice space overlooking the Mississippi River and the St. Anthony Falls (same place as last month), plenty of bars around the area to hang out in after the meeting (yeah we’ll do that too), a chance to connect with other ArchiCAD users, the opportunity to ask questions of experts and learn some tricks… MORE? How about the potential of a special guest from Graphisoft North America, flying in all the way from Boston? I’m working on that. STILL not enough? Okay I’ve got one last reason to come to Minnesota ArchiCAD User Group 20.
This is my last meeting. User Group 21 will be run without me. And yes there WILL be a 21st meeting. And a 22nd. And a 23rd… maybe in a future meeting I can teleconference in; I’d be up for that. But sometime in June I’ll be leaving Minnesota. I’ll remain the Graphisoft Agent (reseller in less technical terms) for now, but I’m working on finding the perfect person to continue the momentum we’ve built in Minnesota over the last few years. With luck I’ll be able to reveal more details at the meeting. One way or the other, I’m not leaving you guys without a close, personal conduit to Graphisoft.
Don’t Be Lazy
Have you been telling yourself “I always mean to attend the User Groups but something always comes up”? Well quit procrastinating. Let’s make MNAUG 20 huge. Let’s make it our biggest meeting yet. A celebration of four great years of ArchiCAD in Minnesota. A spring point for the next four. Who’s with me?
Again an RSVP isn’t necessary, but greatly appreciated. If only a few people RSVP, then we’ll just meet early for dinner and eat it in front of the rest of you. Seriously. It’s Punch Pizza and Summit. One of the top food Combos I’ll miss when I leave the Twin Cities.
Jean-André LaTondresse
Is this User Group (Minneapolis/Twin Cities) still active?
Jared Banks
It is, though I’m not involved anymore. If you are an ArchiCAD user in Minnesota, or especially the Twin Cities area, you should connect with Adam Rasmussen of BIMped. He replaced me as both the head of the Minnesota ArchiCAD User Group and as the contact person for all things ArchiCAD in Minnesota. I believe there is even a meeting very soon (or just past, I can’t remember).