Modeling tips for Chimneys in ArchiCAD Redux
In response to my earlier video on modeling tips for chimneys in ArchiCAD, some readers pointed out that the Morph Tool also offers a great way to do these types of chimneys (or similarly complex forms). I completely agree. Therefor it seemed like I should model that same chimney using Morphs and see what happens. So here it is. That same chimney, but with Morphs!
Morphs or Complex Profiles: The verdict.
I’m tempted to just link to this post and let you figure out my answer. But that might be a bit cryptic. When it comes time to model a form like this in ArchiCAD, use BOTH Morphs and Complex Profiles. There are advantages to each. When modeling anything in ArchiCAD don’t limit yourself to one trick or one Tool. Use whatever works best, fastest, or offers some other necessary requirement. Maybe you need to show lots of quick change options. Complex Profiles are great for that (I should probably do a follow up video on that). Maybe you need deep scheduling, or to have the whole form as one element. That might suggest saving the result as an Object or merging it into one big Morph. Morphs in ArchiCAD 17 have some new scheduling functionality, so that might be very useful to you. Maybe you need the best looking model derived floor plan view… whatever your criteria… using a combination of element types is going to serve you well. In other words, before modeling anything in ArchiCAD think Big Picture. What are the requirements. What are your needs?
Two apologies… the sound gets wonky at one point. Don’t worry. It happens when I’m not saying anything important. And I’m sorry about the sniffles. I either have allergies or am getting sick. I hope it’s not too distracting.
MEGA SUPER Bonus Note:
My problem with the tube command solved!
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Gorazd Rajh
Hi Jared. Great videos, both of them. Just one comment; when using tube command with morph, try with space-click to the surface, you want profile to wrap around. It can do a little magic to the tube command.
Jared Banks
Wow. That is awesome. I’m off to record a bonus video. Thanks so much for the tip. I guess the Morph tool is even more incredible than I thought. Thanks!
Gorazd Rajh
I learned so much from your videos, so I am glad that I can contribute just a little bit. Keep up with them.