ArchiCAD 17 Hotfix #4
ArchiCAD 17 Hotfix-4 package (build 5005) was released today. You can read about all the details and download the hotfix (if your ArchiCAD isn’t set to automatically notify you) here. The list of fixes is long and varied; it’s worth a read. Or at least a skim. I love reading through the list of fixes because there are always some surprises and it’s a good way to learn about ArchiCAD. Often I’ll read about a fix to something I didn’t even know existed. And if you read the list, you’ll notice that in this current release we get a little bonus feature:
148152 DOCUMENT: When listing objects in Interactive Schedule there was no criteria referring the Zone that they were placed in.
The above fix means you can now add Zone Name, Number, and/or Category as part of your selection Criteria. In other words, you can create schedules that only show Objects (including Doors and Windows) based on what Zones they are in, or what Zone Categories they are in (say public spaces or finished spaces or exterior spaces or whatever your Zone Categories are). How you define Zone Categories and how you utilize Zones can result in a lot of cool functionality: the image to the left for instance, which is using Zones to do basic cost estimating. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Update to Hotfix #4 and we’ll talk about this more later.
Remember to update everyone using Teamwork 2 (including the BIM Server) at the same time
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Hi Jared
Any chance you could do an example of how use zones as the selection criteria. It doesnt seem to work, when you ad the element you want to schedule, the zone criteria greys out and is un-editable.
Jared Banks
I’ll see what I can do about getting you an example. I think I can share a schedule that works next week. A video and/or blog post on schedules is on my to do list as well, but it might be a little bit.
Sounds great, thanks Jared.
Overlapping zones is another quirk to consider when trying to shedule things in zones. Workaround here