Exhibition Design with BIMx – Nationalmuseum in Sweden, Revisited
Last year I wrote a post about a museum in Sweden that made a BIMx model of an exhibit, which they then shared on their website. Super cool. If you haven’t read that post check it out. It’s a great look into the future of experiencing architecture when you’re on the wrong side of the planet (which by the way is related to an article I’m writing speculatively for something offline, but that’s for another time).
Anyways it’s Friday and I’m off to meet another ArchiCAD using friend of mine here in Seattle (it is so cool to meet more BIMnerds in person). Below is a video you need to watch. It’s a great example of what can be done with BIMx, and it’s a sneak peak at where we should be focusing our presentation and representation efforts in 2014 and beyond. I REALLY love the side-by-side shots of the BIMx model and the real exhibit. Gets you thinking, doesn’t it?
If you want to check out one of Joakim’s BIMx models yourself, here’s his most recent one:
Hans Gedda & Masters of Darkness
One last thing. I really want to write about all the insanely awesome things we can do with BIMx and especially BIMx Docs. Not just what’s intended, but all the cool hacks we can accomplish by thinking differently about this tool (a BIMx Docs file that’s only models, or only drawings, or of just an exploded detail, or of just a widget, or I don’t know). But I haven’t gotten around to writing anything yet. Or doing the research I need to do. So…I’ll throw it back to all of you. Who’s done something cool with BIMx Docs? Or at least dreamed of something new? Shoot me an e-mail; I want to share some interesting stories here or over on BIM Engine.
To catch the next BIMx model Joakim E Werning does, follow him on Twitter. Then subscribe to my blog to read more about the tricky world of being an Architect in the 21st century: Shoegnome on Facebook, Twitter, and the RSS feed.
Steve Nickel
Hi again Shoegnome…
Thanks for this awesome update on the Swedish exhibition. We got fascinated with this when you first posted the BIMx demonstration last July 2013. We are in the process of absorbing the BIMx tool in AC17.
Nathan Hildebrandt
I am sad that I missed the initial post, but as with every piece of technology you are only limited by your imagination. There are some incredible things being done with BIM on big scale city sized models that governments are using to test crisis management. BIMX would be very interesting to use in that situation for emergency response crews in disaster zones if the technology had a few more features.
Hi Jarrod,
I have found that in the publisher you can save perspective views as a BIMx file, you can then publish several models in the single BIMx doc. This is great when used in conjunction with the renovation filter to show the difference between existing and new building designs. That is the only hack I know so far.
Jared Banks
Cool. Yeah I think the ability to publish multiple models in one BIMx Docs file has HUGE potential. Before and after models. Option models. Only structural….