Seattle ArchiCAD User Group — April 30th, 2015
We have our next Seattle ArchiCAD User Group scheduled. Please notice that we are now meeting in a non-downtown location at a slightly later time (like we did in February). Everyone liked February’s location and time so much that I think this will become our new normal. Here are the details:
Thursday April 30, 2015
6:00 PM — 8:00 PM
DeForest Architects
1148 NW Leary Way
Seattle, WA 98107
Jesse Gallanar, GSNA’s sales manager for Washington, Oregon, and Alaska
Special Thanks:
Geoff Briggs, John DeForest and the whole team at DeForest Architects for letting us congregate in their new space.
What’s Happening:
When you register, you’ll see the official topics of discussion. After the last user group in February, there was a consensus that a great topic would be BIMx Pro, add-ons, 3rd party Objects, and all the things that don’t come out of the box when you buy ArchiCAD-not that anyone actually gets a box anymore. So that’s what we’re going to discuss. If you use a particular add-on or Object, think about bringing your laptop to share. We’ll have Geoff’s machine and mine, but that definitely won’t cover the full gambit of add-ons. I’m going to use the meeting as the final excuse I need to buy Modelport. That also means I hope to have some renderings to share that contain Objects I created via Modelport.
Of course as anyone who’s ever been to a user group that I’ve run knows, lengthy lectures aren’t the goal. The official topics are just a starting point. What I want to see-and what I hope the topics will facilitate-is a two hour discussion about ArchiCAD that continues afterwards at a local bar**. So if you don’t care about 3rd party stuff, don’t worry. Show up and change the subject. Sound good? Bring whatever you need: questions, a project, a printout, a gripe, a coworker, a friend, a disgruntled Revit user, a prospective user. I don’t care. I just want to get a big bunch of passionate ArchiCAD and BIM users together to talk about what’s important. You in? ALSO…if you have a question or topic you’d like to have discussed, please e-mail me ahead of time. I can’t promise we’ll cover it (especially if you ask about EcoDesigner STAR), but we’ll do our best.
Please share this post and e-mail it to all your coworkers. I know not everyone gets the official e-mails about user groups-especially new and/or quieter employees.
**100% yes we will be having an after-party ArchiCAD nerdfest at a nearby bar. Geoff tells me there are a lot of great places to go close to their new office. And I assume, as with the previous meetings, Jesse will be feeding us.
Seattle Area ArchiCAD User Mailing List
I’m creating a mailing list for ArchiCAD users in the Seattle Area (or people interested in Seattle Area ArchiCAD events). If that describes you, sign up by clicking here.
A Big Link to Register for the User Group
In case you missed the link above, here it is again: REGISTER HERE!
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