Seattle ARCHICAD User Group — September 30, 2015
Please note the special location. Check out the map below because if you’ve never been to CERC, it can be a bit tricky to find. Also while the official start time is 6:00 pm, I believe a few of us will be there closer to 5:00/5:30 setting up. So don’t be shy about arriving early.
Wednesday September 30, 2015
6:00 PM — 8:00 PM
CERC – Center for Education and Research in Construction
Building 5, Bay B
7543 63rd Avenue NE
Seattle, WA 98115
Jesse Gallanar, GSNA’s sales manager for Washington and Oregon
Special Thanks:
Willard Williams for getting us access to this great space. If you want a sneak peek at the space, the AEC Hackathon is happening there the weekend before.
In the spirit of the AEC Hackathon-and this cool location-let’s try something different. Why don’t we all bring projects to share and laptops to share them on (if you don’t have a laptop, a project on a thumb drive will work too). We’ll do the usual sharing of features and best practices (especially the new Label Tool). But let’s also show off what we’re doing in ARCHICAD. And if we bring our own machines we’ll be able to follow along and test out some of the things we see. Since CERC is such a large space, we’ll have plenty of room to spread out and fire up our computers. Maybe we’ll even just break up into discussion circles and get real hands on. How does that sound? If there’s a specific topic you’d like to discuss, or a project you’d like to share, let me know so that we make sure there’s time!
As always we will plan on having an after-party ARCHICAD nerdfest at a nearby bar. And I assume, as with the previous meetings, Jesse will be feeding us. Please share this post and e-mail it to all your coworkers. I know not everyone gets the official e-mails about user groups-especially new and/or quieter employees.
A Big Link to Register for the User Group
Go sign up to claim your spot and let Jesse know he needs to feed you: REGISTER HERE!
Seattle Area ARCHICAD User Mailing List
I maintain a list for ARCHICAD users in the Seattle Area (or people interested in Seattle Area ARCHICAD events). If that describes you, sign up by clicking here.
Subscribe to my blog to read more about the tricky world of being an Architect in the 21st century, and more info on various ARCHICAD meet-ups across the globe: Shoegnome on Facebook, Twitter, and the RSS feed. If you aren’t in Seattle, don’t worry. There are a lot of other user groups coming up. Check out a big list here for all the events GRAPHISOFT North America knows about.