Shoegnome Open Template for ARCHICAD 21
This is the fifth iteration of my Shoegnome Open Template. Before you click the giant link (above, or at the bottom of this post) to download the template, take a moment to learn about what’s new. If you’re currently using my Shoegnome Open Template v20, you’ll feel right at home with my ARCHICAD 21 template. I made tons of little tweaks (like renaming all sorts of things), but the general feel and tone of the template is the same. This version of the template was about finishing what I started last year and focusing on how to streamline my work. It’s been a busy year for me and I need my template to save me as much time as possible. It shouldn’t surprise you then that I have once again done my best to improve automation and organization.Like last year I’ve recorded an introduction video for the template. If you haven’t used my ARCHICAD 20 template, I recommend you watch the video I did for that version of the template as well. But first watch this one:
While watching the video you probably noticed my Work Environment is heavily customized. If you like what you saw, download and use it.
I’ve done my best to set the proper Classification for all of my Favorites. The majority of my schedules rely on Classifications rather than Tool Type. I have yet to update all my Graphic Overrides to be Classification based, but that will happen either in a later v21 update or when I do my ARCHICAD 22 template next year. Not only are Classifications important for schedules and data export, Classifications are also how ARCHICAD knows which ARCHICAD Properties to attach to an element. As such, Classifications are something you should care about, pay attention to, and do your best to use. Selecting which Classification is the correct one can be daunting until you’ve done it a few times. For help with picking the right Classification for elements, check out these two amazingly helpful blog posts by Rob Jackson:
- IFC 2×3 element and type classification — The plain language A-Z list
- Understanding Element Classification for IFC 2×3 exchange in ARCHICAD 19 — Part 2 — ArchiCAD Type and Library Parts
When I was first getting into classifying elements (in ARCHICAD 19 and 20), I leaned very heavily on Rob’s two posts. Now I use them to double check my work.
What are you waiting for?
Go download the Shoegnome Open Template for ArchiCAD 21! Did I mention it’s free, if you want it to be? Because it is. Unless you’d rather send some support money my way. Because you can do that too by clicking on the Pay Pal link when you go to the official Shoegnome Open Template download page.
If you want all the latest Shoegnome Open Template news, sign up for the mailing list below. I’ll only send e-mails about the template:
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Subscribe to my blog to read more about the tricky world of being an Architect in the 21st century. Follow Shoegnome on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube. If you have questions about the Shoegnome Open Template or need older versions of the template (ARCHICAD 17 and newer), check out the FAQ.
Gerald Brinlee
Thanks Jared,
I will check this out – Looks very intense and organized.
Jared Banks
Shoegnome Open Template Update 21.11:
-Fixed some graphic errors in the Favorites and sample building.
-Updated some autotext on the site plan.
-Created Find & Select saved Criteria Sets for:
Position – Undefined
Structural Function – Undefined
I found the Criteria Sets super useful for checking to make sure all my elements had Position and Structural Function assigned correctly so that they show up in my schedules properly. I have Graphic Overrides which also highlight them in red, but the Find & Select makes it easy work to isolate and fix them.
Thanks Jared, once again ! Always a good reference for improving my own template.
I was curious how you manage the different drawing scales ?
For instance, some dimensions or text needs to show up on floor plans at 1/50 but not at 1/100.
On your template, I always noticed that you have everything in one layer (dimension, text) and one layer set (floor plan, roof plan). Looks really clean but since we need to produce different types of plans (level of details) according to the project phase, what do you suggest ?
Jared Banks
For different scales/drawings, I’d create new layers associated with that drawing type-after I verify that I need the layers & drawings. Following the system I set up in my template, I would create a new site or annotation layer if it’s just a new drawing type that aligns with something that already exists (or a new layer in whatever group makes sense). You’ll notice I have three different types of site plans in my template. I don’t really think about scales, instead focusing on content and drawing type. It really all comes down to how much additional content needs to show on the new drawing, and how best that content can be put on a layer that works with the existing layering system. Can all the new information be put on one layer or does it need two or three?
For project phases, I have a schematic plan layer combo and MVOs and GOs that dumb things down. I find hiding layers works well or just not adding information yet. Again it all depends on how much you need to show. Sometimes pinning information to a specific renovation filter can also be a great solution for schematic or weird drawings with unique needs.
Hi Jared! Thanks for the template, it’s super helpful!
I have a question regarding Archicad 21 though (not related to the template, but I didn’t know where else to pose it 🙂 ). Have you (or anybody) encountered problem upon updating to Archicad 21? I had no trouble to pass from 19 to 20. But now, I open my project (developed in AC20) and if I choose Migrate Libraries option, I end up with 50 or so elements missing. Those are mostly really standard windows, toilet doors, etc. In Library Manager, Migration Libraries are loaded. I then need to manually add AC Library 20, but then instead of 50 missing parts, I end up with 3900 duplicated parts. If I consolidate, it goes back to 50 missing parts. 🙁 Also, if, when opening the file, I just Skip Library Migration, it loads automatically 20 and 21 libraries, so I again end up with all those duplicated parts. Quite frustrating. Has anybody seen this already? Any remedy?
Jared Banks
I haven’t seen that issue. I’m sure it’s something simple and minor, but super annoying and not obvious. Make sure you’re going from 20 to 21 using the same local library (so 20 USA to 21 USA or 20 AUS to 21 AUS). That might be the issue. I suggest posting the issue on the forum here: http://archicad-talk.graphisoft.com/viewforum.php?f=5&sid=80719b5bac1fcef35429eed5954977c2 along with screenshots. Someone there will be able to help.
Hi again!
Just wanted to give a quick update, the problem is solved! In fact, I had installed Archicad 20 INT version, and a colleague saved on our server Archicad 21 USA version, which I didn’t pay attention to when installing.. So that messed up my libraries, despite all migrations. So you were right, one must be careful when switching the adequate versions. 🙂
Thank you for your help!
Jared Banks
Glad it was an easy fix!
Hi Jared
I hope your having a good holiday season. I want to try your ArchiCad 21 template by importing an older project, Archicad 19 vintage approximately. I tried a quick and dirty select all and paste into the Shoegnome Arch 21 template but had a lot of purple and black checkerboard as well as bringing in materials not in the current template. Any suggestions on bringing in this project? Is its easier to start from scratch and redraw? Thanks for all your help and insights using ArchiCad.
Jared Banks
Copying and pasting from one template/file to a different template in general won’t work/will be a trainwreck. Attributes will be missing/mismatched/duplicated/etc. If your wall layer in 19 was Walls and mine is 1 | Wall – Exterior, then your walls will show up on your old layer, not my layer when imported, which then means everything that is dependent on walls being on 1 | Wall – Exterior won’t work. In other words bringing data directly from one file to another (if they aren’t set up the same way) will result in a combination of missing data, Attribute pollution, and other organization problems.
So yeah, if you want to bring a project to my template, I recommend doing it piece my piece to translate it into my template (bring walls over, delete your layer and move everything to my 1 | Wall – Exterior layer; swap out composites, etc. etc. etc.) or rebuilding it. In general, rebuilding projects is always faster and cleaner. That said, if you were going from my AC19 template to my AC21 template, I’d have slightly different advice.
Thank you Jared for all of the hard work as it shows in the template. I work primarily in the black as a background and as I was halfway through changing fill pen/fill background pens from #91 (white) to (-1) Window background so all of the fills do not show as white on my black background 🙂
Do you know of any quick way to do this…and while I am here, why did you chose to put all of the fills to #91 white?
Thanks a ton again for your shared comments and insight!
Jared Banks
Short answer: I want fills to be white and not necessarily the background color. I have a number of friends who use non-white backgrounds, but I’m 100% for working on white. It replicates the color of the paper the work will be printed/viewed on (whether paper or PDF). White also works best with ARCHICAD as all the defaults are intended to be viewed on a white background. I acknowledge this is overzealous, but years and years ago I dealt with a coworker who insisted on a non-white background. One person out of 12-15 users. It caused a lot of annoyances with our template and standards.
As for a quick way to replace #91 with -1. Sadly no. Much easier to give up the black background or let white fills be white.
Vanz Faustino
sir good day..my template is in metric scale ( 1: 100 for ex. ) how can i change this in English ( 1″ : 4″ for ex. ) thanks a lot
Jared Banks
This blog post and video should help: https://shoegnome.com/2015/05/05/going-from-feet-to-meters-and-switching-archicad-libraries/
Paul Stady
Hey Jared,
Do you have instructions on how to load your template?
My Brain hurts.
Archicad 21
Jared Banks
Download the template, put it in whatever folder you want it to live in, start ARCHICAD, select Create New Project, select from a template, browse for the Shoegnome Open Template, hit okay. You’re good to go. The next time ARCHICAD will remember the location of the template, so all you need to do is select New Project, from a template, and choose the template you want.
Paul Stady
OK thanks. I did that and it says “Unknown document version. (22.0)” ? What now? I am running MAC OSX and Archicad 21
Jared Banks
Ah. You need to download my 21 template. Go to this link: https://shoegnome.com/template/shoegnome-open-template-faq/ At the top of the FAQ are links to all my old templates. Download the final version of my 21 template, follow the same steps as above and you’ll be golden.
Paul Stady
Got your V21 to work. Thanks.