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ARCHICAD Roof Construction Techniques

This week I received two questions about my ARCHICAD roof construction methods (finish, eaves, and primary structure all separate elements). Maybe it’s because of my recent video on mitering Roofs in ARCHICAD. Or maybe it’s because people have been downloading my template and wondering how the roof of the sample building could possibly make sense. For whatever the reason, here’s a thirteen minute video that discusses both how and why I model roof assemblies in ARCHICAD the way I do. Hopefully after watching this video you’ll improve the quality of your ARCHICAD models and the speed in which you make them.

As always excuse the mistakes and errors in the video. If I do these videos quickly, I’m able to create more. I’d rather have 10 helpful videos with all the natural errors of sharing that occur when you’re sitting next to someone discussing a technique than 1 perfectly edited and scripted video. Actually it’s more like 5 helpful videos or 0 perfect ones.

There are a lot of variations on this technique, depending on the specific roof structure and insulation. With what I’ve shown above, you should be able to extrapolate and evolve this technique to match your needs. I use the multi-plane Roof in my examples because it’s faster for the video. Often I’ll use multi-plane roofs to start and then convert them to single plane roofs as the model develops-because single plan roofs can be mitered using this technique. Of course everything I show can be done with single-plane roofs. The process of copying, cutting and offsetting edges, changing the Composite and pasting is virtually the same. In the video I mention my siding technique. For more on how and why I do siding the way I do, check out this post and video.

NOTE: Around the 8:30 mark, I show how I model the roof in the image below (sheathing continuous, individual framing members separately). When I model this way, I then model the insulation as another continuous element. This is of course super helpful if you have an engineer modeling the structure, if you need to detail specific conditions, or if the insulated envelope and primary structure of the building are not contiguous.

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  • July 27, 2018


    Any example about how to insert rooflight? I guess the rooflight will be in the roof finish but then how do get the opening on the secondary roof?

  • August 1, 2018

    Mike P Venechuk


    How do you draw the roof edge, the rake on the angle? I have a nice 1×6 with crown and would like it to follow the 6/12 roof pitch – thanks. I’ve done it before but can never remember how to do it again…..

  • August 2, 2018

    Mike P Venechuk

    Hi Jared, I’m a bit embarrassed with my previous question about a roof rake. I knew I had seen it somewhere, like in the middle of your AC tips #66. Great video and thanks.

  • August 2, 2018

    Steve Nickel

    Wouldn’t it be nice if Graphisoft allowed us to do a roof using a complex profile?

  • March 31, 2020


    Hi Jared. Great video.
    I’m curious, you show structural framing within your walls in section, top plates etc. Do you model these, or are they 2d elements.
    Thanks in advanced.

  • November 16, 2021

    Mark Renz

    Hey Jared: I needed to go back to this video to see if I was doing roofing the same way and I have a follow up question. You mention that you do fascias with beams…but then you say, that’s for another video. Have you ever done a video on how you do fascias? The flat fascia is easy – it’s just a beam. However, how to you handle a gable fascia board coming down and merging with the shaft fascia?

  • November 16, 2021

    Mark Renz

    That would be awesome! It’s an area in residential work that is a constant thorn in my side. I spend way too much time trying to do trim on eaves. I bought a 3rd party tool to use but it’s just too confusing and clumsy to use. Any help in this area of modeling would be incredibly helpful.

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