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Shoegnome Open Template v25 for Archicad 25

All my projects are under control. One is being permitted, nine are just starting or about to start construction, three are nearing the end of construction, a handful are in pricing or paused, and the rest are all in early stages of SD. I haven’t heard anything definitive from the three proposals I have out, I’m ignoring the two prospect emails that arrived today, and my next lecture is still two months away. Yes, you read that right. Nine are about to be under construction-six of those are within a half mile of my house. My walks this fall are going to be so awesome and full of site visits.

Instead of diving into all the schematic design I should be doing or reading those prospect emails, I decided to update my template this week. I figured if I didn’t get this shared now, it’d be months before I had another moment of quiet equilibrium. Fortunately-or unfortunately depending on how you look at it-Archicad 25 really didn’t have any new features that required major template revisions. Updating my Archicad 24 template to Archicad 25 was basically making sure everything translated properly then adding all the items I’d collected over the previous months that needed integration into the template. Which might not sound like a lot, but it’s taken me two full days, plus another day to record videos, write this blog post, etc. The result is something I’m exceeding proud of. The template is mature enough that I get to spend my time refining, streamlining, and experimenting with new ideas rather than replacing and fixing old mistakes.

Ready to download the template? Click the big support button or go to the template page. As always the template is free; clicking the PayPal support button (below or on the template page) is optional. If you support my template with a contribution of $100 or more and send me an email with your address, I’ll ship you an 8 oz tumbler as a thank you.

I did two videos on my latest template and Archicad 25. The first video talks about updates to the template and the new texture fills open in Sections and Elevations. The second video is on the new cabinet Objects. I think we are all going to have a love-hate relationship with the new cabinet Objects in Archicad 25. Hopefully the video will help you understand how to get the best functionality out of them. In general I like the new cabinets, though I am frustrated by some inane behavior when editing the settings. If you have more questions about the cabinets, let me know. I’m happy to dive deeper when I have time.

Shoegnome Open Template v25 changes:

  1. Fills: Added Fills 179 Stonework Gravel and 180 Stonework Ballast Stone from the OOTB template. Reindexed Parallel – 09 inch – Horizontal and Parallel – 09 inch – Vertical to index numbers 191 and 192.
  2. Fills: Added Fills 156 04 | Brick – Solider Bond and 157 04 | Brick – Stack Bond from the OOTB template. Reindexed 09 | Glass – Glowing and 09 | Decking to index numbers 164 and 165.
  3. Surfaces: Misc minor tweaks to Material images. I didn’t want cataloging changes to slow down my tweaks.
  4. Publisher (REVISED): Update translators for DWGs in the Publisher Sets (so that they link to Archicad 25 translators) and renumbered. Also updated default export names
  5. Publisher (NEW): 3 | 3D Views to JPG for exporting 3D views as images
  6. Object (REVISED/RENAMED): Roof Slope Symbol SG25
  7. Object (NEW): Freestanding Tub SG25 (just some #morphbarf)
  8. Favorite (REVISED): updates to sizes of default window and doors, also updated window head height default, and removed rough opening extra space for all door and window favorites.
  9. Favorite (REVISED): Thermal break @ slab
  10. Favorite (REVISED): Updated railing favorites for proper floor plan display (hone story only for railings used for things that aren’t railings)
  11. Favorite (REVISED): Roof Slope
  12. Favorite (REVISED/NEW): Finish & Trim – Exterior and Finish & Trim – Interior folders
  13. Favorite (NEW): Freestanding Tub, Freestanding Tub – Oval, Freestanding Tub – Rectangle
  14. Favorite (NEW): Property Line (Grid)
  15. Favorite (NEW): Building Description [Label for site plans]
  16. Favorite (NEW): Fence [2D line for site plans]
  17. Favorite (NEW): Landscaping – Generic Planting
  18. Favorite (NEW): Landscaping – Generic Shrub/Tree, 2D
  19. Favorite (NEW): Landscaping – Grass, 2D
  20. Favorite (NEW): Landscaping – Gradient Fill
  21. Favorite (NEW): Interior – Trim, Horizontal
  22. Favorite (NEW): Interior – Trim, Vertical
  23. Favorite (NEW): Cove
  24. Favorite (NEW): Dimensions (blue)
  25. Favorite (NEW): Drain – Linear
  26. Favorite (NEW): Drain – Square / Round
  27. Favorite (NEW): Railing – Segmented Beam (Example)
  28. Favorite (NEW): All new cabinet favorites (in Millwork subfolder of Favorites)
  29. Favorite (DELETED): Wall Oven – w/ cabinet (this Object wasn’t replaced in the Archicad 25 library)
  30. Favorite (NEW): Shower Glass – Sliding Door
  31. Favorite (RENAMED): Shower Glass – Swing Door
  32. Favorite (RENAMED): Header – (2) 2 x 8
  33. Favorite (RENAMED / REVISED): Drain (Beam Tool)
  34. Favorite (NEW): Header – (2) 2 x 8 + rigid insulation
  35. Complex Profile (NEW): 5 | Framing – 2x (double) + rigid insulation
  36. Complex Profile (NEW): 5 | Framing – 2x (single) + rigid insulation
  37. Complex Profile (RENAMED): 5 | Framing – 2x (single)
  38. Complex Profile (REVISED): 2 | Thermal Break @ Slab
  39. Properties (NEW): Operation Types – added Twin Single / Double Hung and renamed double casement/awning to Twin casement/awning
  40. Schedules: Vertical Glazing Window and Door Schedule (conditioned space) wasn’t sorting by ID.
  41. Schedules: update all schedules to remove hotlink and element ID. replace with Element ID (hotlink and element ID isn’t editable in the schedule).
  42. Layout Book: New subset: SD 8.5 x 11 for SD / as builts
  43. Layout Book: Sheet A012 Schedules, added the following note (which I’ve needed to put regularly on drawings permitted in Seattle, WA:
    • Skylight Notes- Inboard pane of glass to be laminated glass (with not less than a 0.015-inch (0.38 mm) polyvinyl butyral interlayer), outboard pane to be tempered. 
  44. Other Stuff, I’m Sure: There are definitely little tweaks that I didn’t document.

What are you waiting for?

Go download the Shoegnome Open Template for Archicad 25! 

If you want all the latest Shoegnome Open Template news, sign up for the mailing list

If you aren’t using the current version of Archicad, you can download older versions of my template. If you use my template, I highly recommend you use my Work Environment as well. The two work together well and the Work Environment is designed to reinforce the best practices of the template. You can download my Work Environment here.

Subscribe to my blog to read more about the tricky world of being an Architect in the 21st century. Follow Shoegnome on FacebookInstagram, and Youtube.


  • August 5, 2021

    Scott Newland

    Thanks for the review. I was hoping that the new cabinet features would be better, but I see some frustrations remain.

  • August 11, 2021


    where is the archicad 25 template download link? thnaks

  • August 27, 2021


    Wonderful videos and always a helpful addition to my workflow (seeing the little tips and tricks you perform). Thank you !!

  • January 10, 2022


    I am in the process of checking out your template right now. I am a new ArchiCAD user and am working on my first project in the software. I am pretty far into the design already learning as I go. Is there a way to move my project over to your template? I am just getting into the construction documents and have watched some of your videos, and I am most interested in the simplified pen sets vs. the preset options in Archicad. Thanks for being a great resource!

  • January 11, 2022


    Thank you for the reply! I will take your advise and probably try and finish the project in it’s current format and then start the next project with your template. I wish I had the time to rebuild the model at this point. I’m sure you are right that rebuilding it would be faster and have fewer errors. Thanks again for the input and all of the Archicad info that you have shared.

  • April 20, 2022

    Laurence Brill - brillDESIGN

    Have you tried the New CI CABINET TOOL❓ Now that has been frustrating”¼ï¸ But, I’m getting my head around it Couldn’t even figure out how to add of delete a cabinet module for a while Nothing like reading the manual… when I found it

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