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Shoegnome Open Template v27.3 for Archicad 27

Classic story: I’m doing a measure next week and updating my template in preparation. Looking ahead, Madeleine and I have four measures to do between now and September 1st, so I expect at least one more update before Archicad 28 is released this Fall.

The major changes in this revision are related to Layer Combinations and Layers. Some of the changes are pure reorganization for ease of navigation. I found it hard to locate the Interior Elevation Layer Combination; the Interior Rendering Layer Combination always caught my eye first. I’m finally fixing that. Other Layer updates are simplifications to my system now that I’ve fully integrated Design Options into my workflow. For instance, I no longer need the Layers 8 | Scheme A and 8 | Scheme B. Beyond those changes, the rest are a mixture of workflow modifications, Favorite revisions, Attribute improvements, and graphic tweaks.

Ready to download the template? Click the big support button or go to the template page. As always the template is free; clicking the PayPal support button (below or on the template page) is optional. Every time PayPal sends me an email notification that someone clicked the support button—whether it’s for $2 or $200—it brightens my day. If you support my template with a contribution of $100 or more and send me an email with your address, I’ll ship you an 8 oz tumbler as a thank you. The PayPal button below will take you to the latest version of the Shoegnome Open Template.

Shoegnome Open Template v27.3 changes:

  1. Archicad Properties (Revised) – Revised Availability for Classifications for “Design and File Organization” Archicad Properties to include all “ARCHICAD Classification – v 2.0”, but not set to ALL (which would include MasterFormat – 2016 Edition Archicad Properties).
  2. Element Transfer Settings (Deleted) – Removed unnecessary Element Transfer Settings, including: Exclude ID / Layer, Exclude Library Part, Exclude Metadata, ID / Name only, Stair 2D Symbol, Stair Geometry, Stair Structure / Finish, Transfer Structure / Display / Library Part
  3. Element Transfer Settings (Revised) – Revised Exclude Home Story to properly exclude Home Story from all elements.
  4. Element Transfer Settings (Revised) – Revised Exclude ID / Home Story to properly exclude Home Story and ID from all elements.
  5. Layer Combination (Deleted) – 2 | Finish Views
  6. Layer Combination (Renamed) – 3 | Electrical Plan to 4 | Electrical Plan
  7. Layer Combination (Renamed) – 3 | Structural Export to 4 | Structural Export
  8. Layer Combination (Renamed) – 3 | Structural Plan to 4 | Structural Plan
  9. Layer Combination (Renamed) – 4 | Interior Rendering to 5 | Rendering – Interior,
  10. Layer Combination (Renamed) – 4 | Exterior Rendering to 5 | Rendering – Exterior
  11. Layer Combination (Renamed) – 5 | Invisible Forces to 6 | Invisible Forces
  12. Layer Combination (Renamed) – 5 | Visible Operators to 6 | Visible Operators
  13. Layer Combination (New) – 6 —– —– —– —–
  14. Layer Combination (Reindexed) – Reindexed Layer Combinations to fill gaps in numbers
  15. Layer (Deleted) – 3 | Text – Finish
  16. Layer (Deleted) – 7 | Comments.Annotation
  17. Layer (Deleted) – 8 | Object Creation (all these elements already live on a dedicated Object Creation Design Option Scheme).
  18. Layer (Deleted) – 8 | Scheme A
  19. Layer (Deleted) – 8 | Scheme B
  20. Layer (Deleted) – 8 —– Options —– 8
  21. Layer (Renamed) – 9 —– Trash Layers —– 9 to 8 —– Trash Layers —– 8
  22. Layer (Reindexed) – Reindexed Layers to fill gaps in numbers
  23. Graphic Override Rule (Revised) – 2 | Grayscale (Electrical) (Switches) foreground fill to Pen 119
  24. Graphic Override Rule (Revised) – 2 | Grayscale (Electrical) (Outlets) foreground fill to Pen 114
  25. Favorite (Revised) – Electrical Panel Favorite Classification set to Electric Distribution Board
  26. Favorite (Revised) – update all Zone Favorites to be text size 7 (Stamp Text Style) and 6 (Text and Override Style)
  27. Favorite (Revised) – Island Cabinet – Doors Nominal size set to Cabinet
  28. Favorite (Revised) – Towel Bar, added second towel bar (easier to remove one than add one)
  29. Favorite (Deleted) – Shower Niche (Window Tool)
  30. Favorite (New) – Shower Niche (Opening Tool)
  31. Favorite (New) – Plugmold (Beam Tool)
  32. Embedded Library (New) – Added image: Dark hexagonal tile
  33. Embedded Library (New) – Added image: Tile – Green – 3×12 – 6 rows pattern
  34. Embedded Library (New) – Added image: Tile – White – 3×12 – 6 rows pattern
  35. Fill (New) – Grid – 02 x 12 Inch
  36. Fill (New) – Grid – 12 x 48 Inch
  37. Fill (New) – Grid – 18 x 48 Inch
  38. Surface (New) – 09 | Tile – Walls – 2″ x 12″
  39. Surface (New) – 09 | Tile – Walls – 12″ x 48″
  40. Surface (New) – 09 | Tile – Walls – 18″ x 48″
  41. Surface (New) – 09 | Tile – Walls – Green
  42. Schedules (Revised) – Updated Formatting on placed schedules
  43. Layout Book (Revised) – Updated text size and formatting on A000
  44. Layout Book (Revised) – turned on outlines of placed 3D views on A000 and A010 so that they are still noticeable when Archicad glitches out and turns the views white.
  45. Some other random little stuff I didn’t document that you shouldn’t worry about

It’s about time I deleted all the unnecessary Element Transfer Settings. Hopefully with fewer to look at, I’ll actually use more of what’s left, rather than just “Exclude Home Story”.

If you want all the latest Shoegnome Open Template news, sign up for the mailing list.

If you aren’t using the current version of Archicad, you can download older versions of my template. If you use my template, I highly recommend you use my Work Environment as well. The two work together well and the Work Environment is designed to reinforce the best practices of the template. You can download my Work Environment here.

Subscribe to my blog to read more about the tricky world of being an Architect in the 21st century. Follow Shoegnome on FacebookInstagram, and Youtube.


  • May 9, 2024

    Sandile Dludla

    wow greate your template is always the best and make working on a project easy
    do you use revi if you do do you have tamplates as well.

  • May 9, 2024

    Sandile Dludla

    ok thank you
    perhaps do you know the south African architectural technic and colour coding

  • May 10, 2024

    Tim Little

    Jared, we LOVE your template and being new to ArchiCAD it has been a huge timesaver … your hard work is greatly appreciated!!!
    One question that has come up between myself and my co-worker is how to get the Schematic Design look with the solid-colored walls, etc.?
    Our boss is asking for that option on initial presentation drawings (again we are new, and this is our first project in ArchiCAD) and we tried several different settings but must be overlooking the obvious in getting this visual look to occur.
    Sorry if this is a bonehead question, but we have tried the various things we know to try with no success.
    Thanks again for your all your hard work and we will be using your template moving forward … we appreciate you and the template for sure!

  • May 14, 2024

    Christine D

    I want you all to know that many people are silently following your videos, learning a great deal, and producing impressive work—all thanks to your guidance. There are some incredible buildings out there because of your influence. Also, your template has significantly streamlined my workflow, and for that, I am eternally grateful

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