Minnesota ArchiCAD User Group Meeting (DATE CHANGE to April 2nd, 2013)
A few short weeks until MNAUG #19!
Technically it’ll be Spring when this meeting occurs, so let’s celebrate surviving another Minnesota Winter with friends, colleagues, and ArchiCAD. And maybe a few beers after the meeting… Notice that we’re meeting in a new location. Hopefully meeting just outside of downtown Minneapolis will make it easier for people to attend. Or at least more convenient for some. What are we going to talk about? A whole bunch of things. I think it’s too early for a sneak peek at ArchiCAD 17 (fingers crossed for MNAUG #20 in May), but we will look at EcoDesigner STAR Beta as well as a whole bunch of other tips, tricks, and stories. I know I’ve learned a few cool things since we’ve last met.
As always feel free to bring anything you want to share and any questions you might have. We’ll have a projector and at least one machine with AC16 (let me know in advance if you need access to another version). If there’s anything specific you’d like to learn about, or you want more information, feel free to e-mail me before hand.
No RSVP is necessary, and unfortunately I can’t make dinner beforehand. But I’d really like to continue the meeting informally after 8:30 at one of the many bars along the river in St. Anthony Main.
Don’t Be Lazy
Oh and one more thing… have you been telling yourself “I always mean to attend the User Groups but something always comes up”? Well quit procrastinating. I’m leaving Minnesota forever** sometime in June or July. We’ve got this meeting and one more; I’m determined to reach twenty meetings since our first in September 2009. During those two meetings we need to figure out how to keep the User Group going after I leave (I’m happy to assist from afar). Also a heads up, we’re doing something big for Meeting #20. I don’t know what yet. But let’s make it huge. A celebration of four great years of ArchiCAD in Minnesota. A spring point for the next four. Who’s with me?
**I guess it might not be forever. My wife and I love Minnesota. So if this next journey doesn’t turn out the way we want, we could return in a few years. But that’s a long time to wait.