Nemetschek introduces new platform for the building industry: bim+
This news isn't super new, but it is super interesting. How did we all miss this? And why isn't Nemetschek pushing this harder
BIM Maturity Survey from Purdue University
There are a lot of people out there researching BIM, BIM implementation, BIM maturity, etc. I'd say I fill out three or four of these surveys a month. As long as I have the time, I'm always happy to provide
Which BIM software should I use?
Which BIM software should I use? When you really look at that question, the answer is insanely simple. The one you will enjoy using most. All BIM programs (Revit, ArchiCAD, Vectorworks, Bentley Systems, Allplan
Bonus Point about the Organizer in ARCHICAD
Are you following Patrick May's Tumblr blog yet? Great ArchiCAD advice over there too. He reminded me of another nice feature of the Publisher that I thought warranted a quick bonus post. You can open the View Map or Layout
The Organizer… aka the Navigator’s Big Brother
I actually mean both Big Brother as in your wise male sibling who was born before you AND that all seeing eye of some over arching organization. The Organizer is pretty awesome and powerful like that. I cover a lot
World Backup Day is March 31st
World Backup Day How and why is this a real thing? Who cares. You better back your shit up. Often. If I ever write a book on BIM and/or ArchiCAD you better believe there'll be a chapter on Data Safety. I've got some
GRAPHISOFT ArchiCAD Receives IFC Certification 2.0, Passes COBie Design Challenge
BUDAPEST, March 26, 2013 — GRAPHISOFT announced today important milestones in its support for Open BIM with ArchiCAD having successfully passed both IFC Coordination View 2.0 (Certification 2.0) and the buildingSMART alliance 2013 COBie Challenge. ArchiCAD is now certified for the
First four successes for buildingSMART’s Certification 2.0
News Release 22 March 2013 First four successes for buildingSMART's Certification 2.0 New stringent process provides quality assurance The first four products to receive the new-style buildingSMART certification 2.0 were recognised at the international meetings of buildingSMART in Waltham, MA, US on 12
The Number One Reason for designers to learn BIM
Okay so perhaps if you're 100% going to retire in the next few years this doesn't apply to you. But if you plan on working for sometime yet, you need to get with the latest technology, you need to accept
GRAPHISOFT Releases Feature Upgrade to BIMx Mobile
Jared's note: I really like that Graphisoft keeps adding little improvements to BIMx through out the year. The last update that gave us the ability to “Limit navigation to gallery views” was less than 6 months ago. Well here's the latest.
Interested in statistics on BIM engagement and usage?
Happy Sunday. Day 17. Post 17. I won't make a full month where the total number of posts equals the total number of days in the month. Especially not this month. Soon I'll be heading to Wyoming for a few
Video games, Micro-transactions, and Nine Minutes of your Time well spent
So you know micro-payments have been on my mind recently. I've been thinking a lot about how in conjunction with augmented reality and/or QR codes these small amounts of money offer some intriguing possibilities for architects. I've also been dwelling
What does my journey as an Architect look like?
My career has gone astray I followed the proper path. Summer internships, an architecture job right out of school, hopping between firms to climb the ranks, getting exposure with different project types, taking on leadership challenges where possible, moonlighting anytime the
What kind of Architect are you?
I talk with a lot of architects, interns, and people who studied architecture but went in different and/or non-traditional directions. There is a particular type of architect that comes up again and again in these conversations. A prototypical architect that
Reading the Economist hindered my job prospects, but helped my career
Maybe certain former co-workers won't like me sharing these kinds of stories. But I doubt they'll ever read them. And if they do, I hope they can understand that this isn't about us; it's about something much larger. I can't remember
Texting and Driving
A little different from the usual post on Shoegnome, but don't worry it all connects
First Memories, AutoCAD version 2.5, and 3D Studio R4
I've been using ArchiCAD since 2006. Over 7 years now
BIM Server Scare
It was like we'd just saved the world from a nuclear holocaust. But we couldn't tell anyone because it wasn't rogue KGB operatives still disgruntled from the end of the Cold War or Kim Jong Un and his lackeys with
QR Codes and Micro-payments
Did you read my post on Augmented Reality and Micro-Payments? You should. It's pretty cool. The more I think about affiliate links and micro-payments, the more I get excited about the idea. Could we test this concept in 2013? You bet we
Ten Years Later, summer internships aren’t what they once were
I've seen into the Chasm. It's beautiful, ambitious, and not the architectural graduates of times past. Back in January I had coffee with two students from the University of Minnesota that I'm mentoring. I asked them a question, "do you have
Get on the Collaboration Bus. Or Quit. I don’t care which.
 The Generation Y Architect In February 2012, during a session at the AIA Minnesota Leadership Forum, I discovered that I am a stereotype. Painfully so. I am Generation Y. In a room with fifteen Generation X architects, I was the oddball.
Someone’s comparing ArchiCAD to Revit and you should pay attention
Why should you be paying attention? Because of the WHO doing the comparing. Scott Mackenzie, BIM Manager at Stantec, is doing his own head-to-head comparison based on his extensive personal experience. The first post definitely reads as if it's being written
I was going to write a post about LOD
Level of Development or Level of Detail (depending on how you define LOD) is a super fascinating concept. And ultra-critical to functioning intelligently in BIM. It's not a be-all, end-all answer to success in BIM, but an awareness of the
Think you can’t construct with ArchiCAD? Meet Mota-Engil
This looks like a really interesting webinar. Regardless of what BIM authoring tool you use, it's always very interesting (and enlightening) to see how contractors are employing BIM. It just so happens that this construction firm, after searching long and
Minnesota ArchiCAD User Group Meeting (DATE CHANGE to April 2nd, 2013)
A few short weeks until MNAUG #19! Date: Tuesday April 2nd, 2013 | 6:30PM — 8:30 PM | (NOTE THE DATE CHANGE!) Location: Nelson-Tremain Partnership 125 Southeast Main Street, Suite 245 Minneapolis, MNÂ Â 55414 Details: Technically it'll be Spring when this meeting occurs, so let's celebrate surviving another Minnesota