1984 was a long time ago
I read a lot of things that annoy me. It's hard not to. Thanks Twitter. You're really helping me out. Sometimes I get smart and stop following people who write too much that frustrates me. I'm also doing my best
99% Invisible: A podcast we all should be listening to
I need some work that's not writing. Because if I'm writing then I can't listen to podcasts. And I really want to be listening to 99% Invisible right now. I learned about this podcast recently from one of my top
Call for Entries: 2013 AIA TAP Building Information Modeling Awards Program
Got this in my e-mail today, figured I should share
One of two interviews I did at ABX 2012
Unfortunately I can't just share the video directly on my blog. So the link below will take you to the 3 minute video where I talk about Improving Client Communications with BIM, which I realized on the flight back from
Most Popular and Best are not Synonyms
I've noticed a peculiar response to the 2012 UK Construction Computing Awards. You know, the awards Graphisoft and ArchiCAD consistently do really well at, winning BIM Product of the Year in both 2011 and 2012. The awards that Revit doesn't
Little Clues
You say "you know what you're doing in ArchiCAD". You might not be the best, but you've got a really good system. You're fast and efficient. But how quickly can an ArchiCAD Expert tell if you're a good judge of
ArchiCAD 16 is BIM Product of the Year
Remember when we all voted for the UK Construction Computing Awards? The results are in and ArchiCAD got showered with awards (again). Out of 5 awards Graphisoft was competing for, it snagged three winning slots and one runner up. Graphisoft
Tekla Global BIM Awards
Eye Candy with a Ton of Substance I got the press release below from Tekla this morning: What is happening in the construction industry right now? Check the 42 projects from 18 countries that compete in this year's Tekla Global BIM Awards
Thanksgiving 2012 and my first week of Silence in 2 1/2 years
Last week was Thanksgiving in the United States. My wife, daughters, and I drove down to Texas to visit family, friends, and do some business (the benefits of partnering with your best friend). So my time to write was severely
Color Elevations and Details in ArchiCAD
Do you know how to create these two images in ArchiCAD? Clink on the images or the links to read posts I wrote for BIM Engine that talk more in depth about each. With a little bit of knowledge and
GRAPHISOFT BIMx Now Available through Amazon for Kindle Fire
BUDAPEST, November 12, 2012 — GRAPHISOFT announced today that BIMx, its cutting-edge communication and presentation tool for BIM projects, is now available through the Amazon AppStore for Kindle Fire HD and Kindle Fire Gen 2. Amazon AppStore is available to
Guess What? Your EVERYTHING has already changed
I'm going to start this post with a hypothetical encounter. Here's an imaginary e-mail exchange I often have: Dear Mr. Banks, ArchiCAD is driving me crazy. I want to keep working like we did when I first got out of school. But
BIM Design Charrette Supports Rebuilding of Monson, MA
Jared's Note: I'll be attending this event, and will have a ground report for you sometime next week. I'm very excited to leverage the collective architectural power of a room full of architects and designers with access to ArchiCAD and
What’s better than a 30 Day Free Trial? A 60 Day Free Trial (of course)
Are you attending Architecture Boston Expo? You know, that architect's convention in Massachusetts next week that I'm speaking at? Or do you wish you could? Well
ArchiCAD 15 Hotfix for IFC issues (Build 4038)
I'm being lazy tonight because of the election and spending all day at the AIA Minnesota Convention. Here's the info from the link below: This hotfix has been published for solving IFC issues occurred after ArchiCAD 15 Hotfix 4 (Build 3898).
BIM Guilt: How many Ds are you doing?
BIM Guilt: the feeling that you aren't 'doing' enough to claim BIM. There is a perception that to qualify as someone doing BIM, you can't just talk about your 3D models. A mere three dimensions is pathetic. To matter, you better
Only 3D? You are worthless and don’t deserve to say BIM Model
Have you watched this 4 minute video on modeling the Sagrada Familia in ArchiCAD 16 with the new Morph Tool? It's insane. Take some time and watch it. Too busy? Just skip through a few parts of it. And then
Tekla, SketchUp, & now Vico… Trimble keeps gobbling up BIM and proto-BIM applications
I guess this is a week for exciting corporate purchases. It's all over our corner of the internet. Back in April 2012 Trimble bought SketchUp from Google. And now In November 2012 Trimble has acquired Vico. And this of course all
Bowling is the secret to BIM Mastery
Who's the better bowler? A guy who can throw perfect strike after perfect strike OR the guy who never misses picking up a spare. It's the guy who can pick up the spares. Of course 12 strikes gives you the best possible
ArchiMAG review of ArchiCAD 16
ArchiCAD 16-FIN — three wishes granted So this is a long review, but it's great and worth the time to read. Severi Virolainen, the author of the article and CEO at M.A.D. (publisher of ArchiMAG and Graphisoft Reseller for Finland), isn't
Pantheon of Workmonsters
In a world of shoegnomes, there are workmonsters
Compatibility note: ArchiCAD on Windows 8
Well Windows 8 is out. That means it's time to start learning about compatibility issues with it and older software (ei any software that was released before today). Keep an eye on this ArchicadWiki page for continued updates about ArchiCAD
Tips, Tricks, and Cheats… ArchiCAD Dimensions
Dimensions in ArchiCAD are super basic, right? Well here's a video on some tips, tricks, and cheats regarding this essential tool. I cover about 15 to 20 different aspects of ArchiCAD's Dimension Tool. So clearly not an exhaustive or comprehensive
Frustrating ArchiCAD Things That Need to be Changed: You
Okay that title is a little facetious. But you should expect that from me by now. There is a wonderful thread on LinkedIN that was started two weeks ago on the ArchiCAD Residential Designers Group. You need to be a member