THREE graphic shortcuts for Sections and Interior Elevations
Over the past year and a half of blogging I've had many small ArchiCAD tips and tricks that I wanted to share, but could never find the proper way to write about them. The aggregate of these tricks help me
Wilkus Architects: Working Fast with ArchiCAD
A very good article about how local Minnesota firm Wilkus Architects uses ArchiCAD. This is definitely worth a read. Great images too.
OrthoGraph ArchiCAD Import Module SE has launched
This is great news from last week. Now you can start using OrthoGraph on the iPad with direct, NATIVE export to ArchiCAD for under about 150 euros. Note, you'll need both OrthoGraph ArchiCAD Import Module SE (99 euros) and Orthograph
Want to Annoy a BIM manager? Ignore the Template.
As a CAD / BIM manager, there is one vein of questioning that I just hate. It's not so much the actual question, which is a variation of: "Why isn't this working right?" It's the answer that angers me: "Because you're not following
This case study is awesome. It makes me think of a future where all our cities are digitally modeled and managed. One more reason to love Scotland and the area around Glasgow. And ArchiCAD too. As if my wife needed
Eric Bobrow Site Modeling Tips. It gets REALLY good at about 6:08
Eric Bobrow has a lot of great free videos; he's recently posted a bunch of new ones on his website that highlight his 7 Keys to Best Practices for ArchiCAD. But my favorite one is still his terrain modeling video. The
ArchiCAD 15 is BIM Product of the Year
Remember when ArchiCAD 15 was a finalist in three categories in the UK Construction Computing Awards? (And we all supported Graphisoft by voting?) Well
TVs, Plotters, Computer Screens, Paintings, and Self Promotion
Paintings and the Art of Self-Referencing A year ago I wrote about putting paintings and wall art in models. I recommended a trick using walls, niches, and aligning 3D textures. It's a good technique, but I have to admit that I
On Land: Thanks for the Inspiration.
When I started this blog, I looked to one place for inspiration: James Murray's Last week James left a comment on my blog. Much like when I got comments from Finith Jernigan and Link Ellis, I was super excited and
Stained Glass Tutorial
I recently had to model a Queen Anne house in ArchiCAD to produce some renderings for a client. It was a ton of fun. And I learned some cool tricks while modeling the various trim and ornamentation. I have to
One of the many reasons why I love Blogging (about ArchiCAD & BIM)
On Sunday I briefly wrote about an ideal job posting I saw a few months back. The post generated some nice traffic to the blog and stirred up some good comments in various places. BUT most importantly it spurred one
Why isn’t your next job posting like this one?
A while ago I saw a job posting. Here are some highlights. If you could hire someone tomorrow, would your job posting look like this? Why not? Small, award-winning firm seeks licensed Architect/Project Manager. 60% multi-family housing, mainly for non-profit developers
OrthoGraph ArchiCAD Import Module has been unleashed
A bit more exciting news about OrthoGraph, from their blog: Many of our users have asked and we listened. The beta version of OrthoGraph ArchiCAD Import Module has just been released, a dedicated application for extending ArchiCAD to read OrthoGraph Architect's
OrthoGraph Architect for the iPad has been released!
So yes this official press release is about a month old, but October was a crazy month at Shoegnome World Headquarters in St. Paul, Minnesota. Watch the video; OrthoGraph looks FREAKING AWESOME. I'd love to get my hands on a
Locked Doors and Red Doors… guiding clients through BIMx
As I was developing my BIMx competition entry, I tried to give each room or area in the file something special. There was the zombie soldier with the axe in his back walking towards the tank, the horde of zombies
BIMx Hall of Fame and MORE Zombie Screenshots
There's now a BIMx Hall of Fame for BIMx projects with over 100 likes. This BIMx project (ZOMBIE ATTACK 2011), as of October 27th, 2011, just crossed the 100 like level to join the Hall of Fame! Click here and
BEST BIMx Screenshot ever.
Sunday night, time to share my favorite screenshot from my BIMx competition entry. Want to know how this screenshot was created? Here's the explanation.
This won’t help me win, but let’s not lose Miguel Krippahl’s ArchiCAD blog.
Miguel Krippahl has been blogging about ArchiCAD since October 2006. Back then I'd been using ArchiCAD for only 9 months. Miguel has decided that after blogging for so long, the BIMx competition is a turning point. If his readers don't
BIMx Competition Entry Screenshots – Those aren’t the Neighbors coming up the back steps
So it's Friday; time to enjoy some screen shots from my BIMx competition entry. Have you voted yet by clicking the like button below the image of the house and tank in this link? I've got some more screenshots I'll post between
PolyCount Add-On and Airships
In preparation for my BIMx entry, I spent some time reading up on BIMx Optimization on the ArchiCADwiki. One of the suggestions is to download the PolyCount Add-On. You can download it here. When you're building a file for export
ArchiCAD + Zombies + BIMx = PURE AWESOME
Of e-mails and iPads Have you had a chance to read all the great articles about architecture-related iPad apps on ArchiCADmonkey? There are a ton of apps out there and more being announced everyday (I haven't forgotten about you OrthoGraph). All
MAC OSX 10.7.2 update AND Steve Jobs Statue
Two bits of Mac news. First off, MAC OSX 10.7.2 has just been released. If you've already upgraded to 10.7, you'll definitely want to upgrade to 10.7.2. BUT before you do, read what the ArchiCADwiki suggests. Here are all the release
Not every firm is ready for BIM. (Ten reasons) Your firm might have trouble implementing BIM if…
Not everyone owns a cellphone Not everyone in the firm has their own computer You sign out conference rooms by hand using a clipboard Your boss has his secretary printout e-mails for him You have hand drafters who never 'got' CAD Your boss thinks computers
Parallel Teams, Serial Teams, and the Critical Importance of Templates
Parallel Teams a group of people working on a given project, at the same time. Teams working in parallel are well discussed in the world of ArchiCAD and BIM. There are a variety of options for ArchiCAD users: independent .pln files, hotlinked
ArchiCAD 15 is a finalist in three categories in the UK Construction Computing Awards
ArchiCAD 15 is a finalist in three categories in the UK Construction Computing Awards: #1 — Construction Computing "One to watch product 2011" #2 — BIM Product of the year #3 — Product of the year ArchiCAD 15 should win all of the above