Shoegnome is ready to Grow
Shoegnome Architects is looking for freelancers and maybe full time employees.
Quantum Superposition: Schrödinger’s Architect
You are probably familiar with Schrödinger's Cat. But what about Schrödinger's Architect? Both are absurd creatures suffering from an uncertain fate.
I feel Guilty because it’s Fun and Easy
My design process stresses me out. Not because it doesn't work. No. It's because it does and it makes me feel guilty.
I want this.
Shoegnome was nominated for the JDR Industry Blogger Awards, in the Best Blogger Architecture category. This post is about something more important.
A pretty girl, a model, and an architecture student
The story of this basswood model is the beginnings of more than just my freelance architecture career.
How many Architects had I met prior to applying to Architecture School?
I probably should have talked to a few more architects before applying to architecture school. But honestly that thought never even crossed my mind.
I was too inexperienced to know I was correct
I was one of those kids that always wanted to be an architect. When I was in first grade an architect came to our class. At least I think he was an architect.
The Wedge Between Us
One other pet peeve of mine is to hear architects
Redefine what Design means to Us
I had to change my thinking on my position in my firm and in my profession if I was going to stay in the field of architecture and grow as an architect.
21st Century Residential Architecture Business Models
The latest edition of the AIA CRAN Chronicle has just been released. The theme of this issue is architectural business models for residential practices.
Husband, Mom and Architect
What's it like being both a dad and an architect? I'm not really sure. But I do know what it's like to be a husband, mom and architect.
What are the different types of architecture firms?
After reading this post, how would you describe the firm you work at? Will you realize your firm is broken or much stronger than you expected?
You graduated from Architecture School and want to be called Architect
Yes I'm going to talk about who gets to be called an architect, but unfortunately that's just the symptom of a bigger issue.
#internmistakes – A Monument to a Former President
#internmistakes is surprisingly underused on Twitter. Maybe my adventures in this article about being a lazy intern will change that.
Goodbye Intern. Hello Architect in Training
I think we should all call interns Architects in Training. But you're an intern who doesn't want to get licensed? Then you're a design or floor plan wizard.
Shoegnome’s Architecture Registration Examination Advice
I've given this Architecture Registration Examination advice in person, over the phone, and via e-mail numerous times. It's time I shared it formally.
The House my Master’s Degree Built: my path to becoming a licensed architect
Another great guest post by Alicia Liebel Berg. Great and a little depressing
Hi, I am an Architect but let me add some qualifiers
We all just want to say "Hi, I am an Architect." But it's almost never that easy. Here's a simple rule and some related thoughts.
Want to call yourself an Architect? Just get licensed
Over the past few months we've all been talking about people calling themselves architects. This is a very sensitive subject for so many reasons.
The Scorpion and the Toad: being a freelance architect
I love the story of the Scorpion and the Toad. I sympathize with both animals. I am both animals.
My license says I’m an architect. Why do I still feel like an intern?
Oh the first world problems I have. Being a young architect can be a hard slog. Does a license change anything? Or is it just a worldview I lack?
Sometimes I wonder if I’m the Bad Guy
Now that I look back on it, if that guy wanted to, he could have seriously injured me with one swing of his giant fist. That would have be hard to explain to my wife.
Bigger Pond, Bigger Fish: how high school taught me to fight
No one gives a shit about you. Not until you give them a reason to. The pond is so big. The fish are so plentiful. The Internet connects all the fish, and all the ponds. And many of the fish
Dear Architecture Firm: why isn’t your intern on your website?
I have a mental checklist that I measure against all architecture firms that I know. The checklist comes out at different times. When I look at their websites; when I read bios on LinkedIn; when I'm connecting with them on
The Architect’s Greatest Fear: The Usurper
What is the number one problem plaguing architects? What is their greatest fear? The Usurper.