Shoegnome Open Template 18.4 and ArchiCAD 18 Libraries
I've updated my Template again. Read the post to find out all the details, then download it and some ArchiCAD 18 Libraries .
Monochromatic Models in ArchiCAD
In this video I talk about how to create monochromatic models in ArchiCAD. There are a few techniques and they all offer some great potential.
Black and White 3D Documents in ArchiCAD
Someone asked me a simple question. So I recorded about 13 minutes of answers: it's time to talk about Black and White (and red) 3D Documents in ArchiCAD.
Pocket Door Display in ArchiCAD
A quick lesson on pocket doors in ArchiCAD. The video will also teach you a little about composites and niches.
Building Materials in ArchiCAD 17 – Video Two
Here's my second video on Building Materials in ArchiCAD 17. I pick up right where we left off in the last video.
Building Materials in ArchiCAD 17 – Video One
I asked on the Shoegnome Facebook page what my next ArchiCAD tutorial video should be about. There was some interest in Pen Sets, but the overwhelming majority of people wanted more on Building Materials in ArchiCAD 17. So here's the
ArchiCAD vs Revit Grand Challenge, this could work
Learning about ArchiCAD to teach you about Revit. What another comparison video and some ArchiCAD-centric posts have in common.