First four successes for buildingSMART’s Certification 2.0
News Release 22 March 2013 First four successes for buildingSMART's Certification 2.0 New stringent process provides quality assurance The first four products to receive the new-style buildingSMART certification 2.0 were recognised at the international meetings of buildingSMART in Waltham, MA, US on 12
Thanksgiving 2012 and my first week of Silence in 2 1/2 years
Last week was Thanksgiving in the United States. My wife, daughters, and I drove down to Texas to visit family, friends, and do some business (the benefits of partnering with your best friend). So my time to write was severely
IFC and the Tower of Babel
Quaint, sad, and yet hopefully. The first IFC promotional video from 1994. A big thanks to Stephen Hamil for finding this and sharing it on Youtube. I have a feeling I'll be talking a lot more about IFC and OpenBIM
OpenBIM and IFC? Listen to Bond Bryan Architects
You shouldn't be allowed to use the acronym BIM if you can't collaborate. That's just one of the many awesome BIM and IFC related tweets you'll get if you follow Bond Bryan Architects on Twitter. I've been following them for awhile
Tekla BIMSight, ArchiCAD, & REVIT
It's Valentine's Day, so let's share some love between BIM platforms