Shoegnome Open Template v28.1 for Archicad 28
I've updated the Shoegnome Open Template v28.1 for Archicad 28.
Shoegnome Open Template v28 for Archicad 28
The Shoegnome Open Template v28 for Archicad 28. Watch the video to learn about the changes then download the template today.
Shoegnome Open Template v27.3 for Archicad 27
I've updated the Shoegnome Open Template v27.3 for Archicad 27.
Shoegnome Open Template v27.2 for Archicad 27
I've updated both the Shoegnome Open Template v27.2 for Archicad 27 and my Shoegnome Work Environment for Archicad 27.
Shoegnome Open Template v27.1 for Archicad 27
I just got back from Archicad by the Beach 2023 and collected a handful of minor updates to my template.
Shoegnome Open Template v27 for Archicad 27 and v26.4 for Archicad 26
The Shoegnome Open Template v27 for Archicad 27 is ready for you. I've also updated the Shoegnome Open Template v26.4 for Archicad 26.
Archicad Tutorial #92: Copy and Paste, Embedded Libraries, and Master_GDL Viruses
In this Archicad tutorial video I talk about copying between different templates, moving objects between files, and the horrors of Master_GDL Objects.
Shoegnome Open Template v26.31 for Archicad 26
In this small update to my Shoegnome Open Template for Archicad 26, I fix a long standing graphic issue with existing door leaf display.
Shoegnome Open Template v26.3 for Archicad 26
It's time for another big update to my Shoegnome Open Template for Archicad 26. Read on to learn about out all the changes and improvements.
Shoegnome Open Template v26.21 for Archicad 26
Nothing major, but since I'm updating the Shoegnome Open Template v26.21 for Archicad 26 for myself, everyone might as well benefit.
Shoegnome Open Template v26.2 for Archicad 26
Check out the improvements I've made to the Shoegnome Open Template v26.2 for Archicad 26
Shoegnome Open Template v26.1 for Archicad 26
Check out the improvements I've made to the Shoegnome Open Template v26.1 for Archicad 26
Starting an Archicad Project with the Shoegnome Open Template
This video covers the basics of the Shoegnome Open Template for Archicad. From how to start using it to what it includes.
Shoegnome Open Template v26 for Archicad 26 and v25.4 for Archicad 25
The Shoegnome Open Template v26 for Archicad 26 is ready for you. I've also updated the Shoegnome Open Template v25.4 for Archicad 25.
Shoegnome Open Template v25.3 for Archicad 25 update 2
Before I start a bunch of new projects, I took a moment to update the Shoegnome Open Template for Archicad 25.
Shoegnome Open Template v25.2 for Archicad 25 update 2
I've updated my template to go along with the recently released Archicad 25 update 2. Check out the latest improvements.
Shoegnome Open Template v25 for Archicad 25
You can't use Archicad without a good template. Well you can, but that's a bad idea. Fortunately, the Shoegnome Open Template v25 is ready for Archicad 25. Download it now.
Shoegnome Open Template v24.3 for Archicad 24
The Shoegnome Open Template v24.3 for Archicad 24 is ready for download!
Shoegnome Open Template v24.2 for Archicad 24
The Shoegnome Open Template v24.2 for Archicad 24 has more Favorites, three new Objects, and a lot of other improvements.
Shoegnome Open Template v24.1 for Archicad 24
There are a lot of great improvements to the Shoegnome Open Template v24.1 for Archicad 24
Shoegnome Open Template v24 for Archicad 24
The Shoegnome Open Template v24 for Archicad 24 is now available. Learn about the latest changes to my template and then download it.
Shoegnome Open Template v23.31 and Archicad modeling tips
In addition to updating the Shoegnome Open Template, I've also recorded a video discussing various Archicad modeling tips.
Shoegnome Open Template v23.3
After completing a project with my ARCHICAD 23 template, I made a bunch of revisions and improvements.
Shoegnome Open Template v23.2 plus coffee tumblers
I have an update to my template AND beautiful 8 oz tumblers for you.
Updating ARCHICAD files with Attributes and Favorites from another file
What do you do when you want to add Attributes and Favorites from one ARCHICAD file to another?