Importing Templates and Work Environments into ARCHICAD
I'm often asked how to import a template or Work Environment into ARCHICAD. Here's how.
Shoegnome Open Template v23 for ARCHICAD 23
The seventh iteration of the Shoegnome Open Template for ARCHICAD is now available. Learn about the latest changes to my template and then download it.
Shoegnome Open Template 22.1
Check out the latest version of my ARCHICAD 22 template.
Shoegnome Open Template for ARCHICAD 22
The sixth iteration of the Shoegnome Open Template for ARCHICAD is now available. Learn about the latest changes to my template and then download it.
Shoegnome Open Template 21.21 for ARCHICAD 21
A super minor update to my template.
Shoegnome Open Template 21.2 for ARCHICAD 21
I've corrected errors, added more Favorites, updated how I manage Building Materials and Surfaces, and more.
Shoegnome Open Template for ARCHICAD 21
The fifth iteration of the Shoegnome Open Template for ARCHICAD is now available. Learn about the latest changes to my template and then download it.
Shoegnome Open Template 20.2
I've updated the Shoegnome Open Template for ARCHICAD 20 with lessons learned from a recent project. Read about the details and download the latest version.
Shoegnome Open Template for ARCHICAD 20
The Shoegnome Open Template for ARCHICAD 20 is ready for you to download and use. Read this post and watch the accompanying video to learn what's new.
Why BIM is Still Bankrupting Your Firm
Back in 2012 I updated a classic BIM graphic to show how BIM can bankrupt your firm. It's time to revisit that argument.
Shoegnome Open Template for ARCHICAD 19
The Shoegnome Open Template for ARCHICAD 19 is finally here. Go get it!
The Clean Template for ARCHICAD
The Clean Template is a work of art and perhaps more useful than any other ARCHICAD template you'll see this year.
Basic Unchangeable Decisions
I look at the roads in Australia and think about BIM. It feels so simple and easy to declare that they are wrong and the majority of the world is right.
Going from Feet to Meters and Switching ArchiCAD Libraries
I regularly get asked if there is a metric version of the Shoegnome Open Template-or if I have any plans to make one. I won't be making one, but you can do it. Here's how.
Shoegnome Open Template 18.4 and ArchiCAD 18 Libraries
I've updated my Template again. Read the post to find out all the details, then download it and some ArchiCAD 18 Libraries .
Shoegnome Open Template 18.3 and Layer Improvements
I've made some additional improvements to my ArchiCAD template. I think you'll like them, even if you just take the ideas and implement them elsewhere.
ArchiCAD Rendering Tutorial and the Shoegnome Open Template 18.2
In addition to releasing the latest version of my Shoegnome Open Template, I've also recorded an ArchiCAD Rendering Tutorial video.
Shoegnome Open Template Updates: 18.12 and 18 ported to 17
Did you enjoy my ArchiCAD 17 template, but have yet to upgrade to ArchiCAD 18? Well now you can check out my ArchiCAD 18 template in ArchiCAD 17 because we use a BIM program that can easily save down to
Shoegnome Open Template for ArchiCAD 18
Did you like my template for ArchiCAD 17? Well I have finally gotten around to updating the Shoegnome Open Template for ArchiCAD 18. Enjoy!
Parameter Transfer in ArchiCAD
Parameter Transfer in ArchiCAD (eyedropper and syringe) is an ultra basic concept. I really hope you already know everything I discuss in this video.
Introducing the Shoegnome Open Template for ArchiCAD 17
Do you need a template for ArchiCAD? Why not try using mine. Welcome to the Shoegnome Open Template version 17.1.
Auditing your ArchiCAD Model using Building Materials and Surfaces
I love this post. Guest Blogger Nathan Hildebrandt starts with Building Materials, then leads you down a path towards reinventing how you think about BIM and use ArchiCAD. It's a great example of how focusing on improving how you use
Interior Elevations in ArchiCAD
Do you need to create Interior Elevations in ArchiCAD? Of course you do. We all do. Are you creating them in the best possible way? Watch this video and find out. Got something to add? Share your tips in the
BIM Templates: When ‘If I have to’ becomes ‘I always do it’
If you use BIM and don't have a good BIM Template (whether for ArchiCAD, Revit, etc.). You Are Doing It Wrong.
Building Materials in ArchiCAD 17 – Video Two
Here's my second video on Building Materials in ArchiCAD 17. I pick up right where we left off in the last video.