Quick and Pretty Renderings From ArchiCAD
The above rendering is fairly typical of what I show clients these days. It's not the most complex image, but it's fast and easy. And you could imagine that with a little more effort scalies, trees, etc. could be easily
ArchiCAD Tutorial Videos on YouTube
Fun Fact: YouTube was officially launched in November 2005. I first learned ArchiCAD in January 2006. While writing my post on ArchiCAD heroes, I realized I was defining them very narrowly. I wanted to focus that post on those shining lights that
More lessons from children’s TV
Don't talk about the brontosaurus in a room full of dinosaur lovers The other day on Sesame Street they did a segment on dinosaurs. They mentioned a brontosaurus. Dinosaur Train would never mention a brontosaurus. Why? Because it's not a real
Morph Pet Palette Madness
While doing some experimentation on an ArchiCAD 15 file that I'd opened in ArchiCAD 16, I came across a weird quark with the Morph Tool. The pet palette for the Morph Tool wasn't showing me all the options. I was
Two Morph Videos that aren’t flashy, but that’s the whole point
The Morph Tool Allows pleasant Surprises There are a lot of great examples of what the Morph Tool in ArchiCAD 16 can do. If you want to see some crazy shapes and amazing forms, the videos in this post will disappoint
Fun with Slabs – AKA Archi-treeStump and Slab ramps. Yes. Slab ramps.
Did you know you can make a ramp using just a slab and nothing else? Recently I've had opportunities to model quite a few schematic designs and imaginary buildings for the creation of renderings and walk-through movies. I love working on
Interactive ArchiCAD Practice Manual – guest blogger Vaneshrie Sullivan shares insights into her book
The Interactive ArchiCAD Practice Manual came from the realization that, although there are numerous books on teaching ArchiCAD users how to use the tools and navigate around projects, there is not much guidance on how to apply this software in
Definitive Proof of the Shell Tool’s Awesomeness
Since the release of ArchiCAD 15 I've enjoyed using the shell tool--more for it's ability to be reshaped in 3D, plan, section, and elevation than its crazy form-making opportunities. BIMES has created a 4 minute video that highlights how impressive and
TWO videos on Complex Profiles
Tonight I recorded two videos. Making these videos reminds me of how I first learned ArchiCAD. I spent a fair amount of time sitting behind one of my coworkers, just watching him work. It was very enlightening. And as I rewatch
THREE graphic shortcuts for Sections and Interior Elevations
Over the past year and a half of blogging I've had many small ArchiCAD tips and tricks that I wanted to share, but could never find the proper way to write about them. The aggregate of these tricks help me
Eric Bobrow Site Modeling Tips. It gets REALLY good at about 6:08
Eric Bobrow has a lot of great free videos; he's recently posted a bunch of new ones on his website that highlight his 7 Keys to Best Practices for ArchiCAD. But my favorite one is still his terrain modeling video. The
Stained Glass Tutorial
I recently had to model a Queen Anne house in ArchiCAD to produce some renderings for a client. It was a ton of fun. And I learned some cool tricks while modeling the various trim and ornamentation. I have to
Take 14:36 to let Eric Bobrow teach you about Guide Lines in ArchiCAD 15
When I introduce my coworkers to ArchiCAD 15, I show them three new things and then say "get to work, we'll cover the rest as it comes up". I know that's not the best way to learn a new version,
Connecting the Dots, making ArchiCAD Easier: Master Template
Okay that title was both lame and a stretch. But whatever. This isn't about my attempts for humor and continuity with the previous post, it's about Eric Bobrow and all his ArchiCAD offerings. And he wants to and will make
More Free Training Webinars from Eric Bobrow
A few weeks ago I mentioned some free webinars from Eric Bobrow. I attended on one of the sessions and it was definitely worth it. Well he's offering that same webinar (updated and improved) again. Choose the day and time that
ArchiCAD Training Material & Classes
Take advantage of this golden opportunity for free ArchiCAD training, from Eric Bobrow and the ArchiCAD Best Practices Course. Sign up for one of the sessions here. Choose the day and time that works best for your schedule:
A great Spanish language ArchiCAD Blog (don’t worry Google Translate is here to help)
Last week I tweeted (@shoegnome) and posted on facebook (www.facebook.com/shoegnome) a link to an old post I did. Here it is. It was a short post about two things. There were some great tips from the ArchiCAD Forum. Real little
Your 7 Day Window to Register for the Best Practices Course Just Started
If you use ArchiCAD and have the internet, you probably know about Eric Bobrow's Best Practices Course. I talked a bit about it in this earlier blog post. Since that post, I've heard a lot of good things about the
Eric Bobrow wants to make you Better
Many of you have probably heard of Eric Bobrow. He's the guy behind ArchiCAD Master Template. Eric was a major Graphisoft reseller for 21 years and is now focused on improving our ArchiCAD skills. Eric has put together
ArchiCAD Blogs
There are some other very interesting things going on in the ArchiCAD blogosphere. Graphisoft has a growing list of blogs devoted to ArchiCAD here. Don't want to sift through all that? Here's three to look at first: http://www.thebimr.com/ This blog focuses on