Your LEGO Gender Bias is Backwards
There's a lot of talk about LEGO gender bias. I'm not sure I have too much else to add to the topic, but I'm asked about this constantly, so here goes
The BIM Brothers – Added Value
BEST. BIM. VIDEO. OF ALL TIME. Need I say more?
GRAPHISOFT Partners with buildingSMART Korea to Foster National BIM Standards
GRAPHISOFT has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with buildingSMART Korea to develop BIM efforts in Korea.
Husband, Mom and Architect
What's it like being both a dad and an architect? I'm not really sure. But I do know what it's like to be a husband, mom and architect.
Modeling and Rendering a TIE Fighter in ArchiCAD
Graphisoft has a history of modeling and rendering all sorts of buildings in ArchiCAD. They are also big Star Wars fans
ARCHICON 2015 – ArchiCAD User Conference in Brisbane
Archicon 2015 is a user organized ArchiCAD conference in Brisbane, Australia. I'm flying in from Seattle to speak at it.
Takenaka Adopts GRAPHISOFT BIMx for Mobile Access to BIM Projects
Takenaka Corporation will adopt BIMx to make the award-winning BIM project presentation app available to thousands of field technicians, further ensuring on-site construction quality and management efficiency. THOUSANDS of field technicians. THOUSANDS!?!?!?!
Speaking ArchiCAD, Speaking BIM and Miscommunication
Have you ever asked a question about ArchiCAD and gotten blank stares or silence from the experts? Maybe it was because your question didn't make any sense.
ArchiCAD is BIM Product of the Year in the UK Fourth Year in a Row
Graphisoft once again does really well at the Construction Computing Awards in the UK, with ArchiCAD taking home BIM Product of the Year for the 4th year.
Shoegnome Open Template Updates: 18.12 and 18 ported to 17
Did you enjoy my ArchiCAD 17 template, but have yet to upgrade to ArchiCAD 18? Well now you can check out my ArchiCAD 18 template in ArchiCAD 17 because we use a BIM program that can easily save down to
GRAPHISOFT ArchiCAD Now Fully-Integrated with LumenRT 2015
Are you familiar with LumenRT? It looks really cool. If nothing else watch the teaser video. Wow.
Seattle ArchiCAD User Group – December 11th, 2014
The next Seattle ArchiCAD User Group is coming up. Get more details and join us.
KUBUS introduces BIMcollab
Official press release about BIMcollab from KUBUS. It takes BCF collaboration to a whole new level. Also they are now giving away for free their BCF managers for Revit, ArchiCAD, and simplebim. That's awesome. I love when people put sharing
Shoegnome Open Template for ArchiCAD 18
Did you like my template for ArchiCAD 17? Well I have finally gotten around to updating the Shoegnome Open Template for ArchiCAD 18. Enjoy!
Toilet Diagram
This diagram makes me smile and made my wife laugh, so
Trimble Releases SketchUp 2015 for a Faster, More Intuitive and Flexible Information Modeling Process
SketchUP 2015 has arrived. Two releases in one year, yikes! With more IFC capabilities AND 64-bit support this is a HUGE update, arguably the biggest yet. 64-bit means all the RAM you want. So one of the big downfalls of
ArchiCAD Interactive Schedule video Tutorial – Part 1 of n+1
A video discussing various aspects of creating a nice looking and functional window schedule in ArchiCAD using the Interactive Schedule.
What does your BIM content say about you?
Luke Johnston, the former Marketing and Development Manager for the Britex Group (Australia) has some great advice for BIM content creators.
Advantages of BIM in Renovation & Communication Webinar
Curious about how other architects are using ArchiCAD on renovation projects? Here's a webinar for you.
What OpenBIM Does For You (and the life cycle of BIM)
Have you and all your collaborators watched this video about OpenBIM and why the AEC industry needs to change? I'm going to guess no.
ArchiCAD 18 Update #1
ArchiCAD 18 Hotfix #1 which includes various fixes plus additional compatibility with OS X 10.10 Yosemite.
GRAPHISOFT BIMcloud Extends Workflow Integration to Mobile Devices with Newest, Free Update
Graphisoft connects BIMcloud and BIMx, communication ensues.
Parameter Transfer in ArchiCAD
Parameter Transfer in ArchiCAD (eyedropper and syringe) is an ultra basic concept. I really hope you already know everything I discuss in this video.
Compatibility notes: ArchiCAD on Mac OS X Yosemite (10.10)
I know you are excited about Mac OS X Yosemite. But slow down. You have a job to do, and need to be careful about any quirks that will eventually be ironed out in future hotfixs to ArchiCAD and updates
BIMcloud Webinar: October 30th, 2014
Are you familiar with Graphisoft's BIMcloud? Can you explain what it is in 30 seconds or less? I didn't think so. Sign up for the webinar and get educated!