500th post, are you freaking kidding me?
Feel free not to read this post. It's really just to remind myself how amazing and awesome I am. You know, because I have written a lot over the past 3 1/2 years.
Why are we hanging Architects for the illegal actions of a homeowner?
This article about the illegal actions of a homeowner and the subsequent house fire is just one more example of the decreasing stature of architects.
Complex Profile Siding in ArchiCAD
Once I figured out this technique to create Complex Profile siding in ArchiCAD, my models became about 20% cooler.
Interior Elevation TOOL in ArchiCAD
My ArchiCAD videos tend to come in pairs. Here's the follow up to yesterday's video. In this video I focus more on the Interior Elevation Tool itself.
Interior Elevations in ArchiCAD
Do you need to create Interior Elevations in ArchiCAD? Of course you do. We all do. Are you creating them in the best possible way? Watch this video and find out. Got something to add? Share your tips in the
Happy Holidays, Guest Bloggers, Seattle and an eventful 2014
It's the end of the year. Are you ready for 2014? I'm not, because I need some guest bloggers for late January and early February 2014. Here's why
Guest Blogger James Badcock: Modify Reference Line and Plane in ArchiCAD 17
Curious about all the changes big and small in ArchiCAD 17? Read what developer James Badcock has to say about Modify Reference Line and Plane in AC17.
Hi, I am an Architect but let me add some qualifiers
We all just want to say "Hi, I am an Architect." But it's almost never that easy. Here's a simple rule and some related thoughts.
Want to call yourself an Architect? Just get licensed
Over the past few months we've all been talking about people calling themselves architects. This is a very sensitive subject for so many reasons.
BIM Templates: When ‘If I have to’ becomes ‘I always do it’
If you use BIM and don't have a good BIM Template (whether for ArchiCAD, Revit, etc.). You Are Doing It Wrong.
Guest Blogger Alicia Liebel Berg: What Emerging Architects are about to inherit
Has anyone noticed that obtaining the title of ‘Architect' is not evaluated on the merit's of one's design, but how mathematically they grade within a set of standardized parameters?
ArchiCAD 17 Hotfix #4
ArchiCAD 17 Hotfix-4 package (build 5005) was released today. You can read about all the details and download the hotfix (if your ArchiCAD isn't set to automatically notify you) here. The list of fixes is long and varied; it's worth
Blacksmith, Telephone Operator, Architect
I want to see a chart tracking Blacksmiths per Capita over the last 150 years. And for telephone operators. And then one for Architects extending to 2050.
The Scorpion and the Toad: being a freelance architect
I love the story of the Scorpion and the Toad. I sympathize with both animals. I am both animals.
Software Decline
There is so much misinformation out there, especially about usage numbers and software, especially software for architects. Right before I left Minnesota I had an old colleague/friend tell me that he was talking to an ArchiCAD user he met in
ArchiCAD 17 is BIM Product of the Year
BUDAPEST, November 27, 2013 — GRAPHISOFT, the leading Building Information Modeling (BIM) software developer for architects, is proud to announce that ArchiCAD 17 has won the prestigious BIM Product of the Year award at the eighth annual Construction Computing Magazine
Implementing Successful Building Information Modeling – A book by a fellow ArchiCAD master
ArchiCAD-Talk alumn and BIM expert Erika Epstein has written a book about the implementation of BIM. Here's the synopsis from Amazon: Building Information Modeling (BIM) is the process of generating and managing building data during a building's lifecycle. Today, more and
Architect Magazine, November 2013: BIM for Emerging Firms
I wrote an article for Architect Magazine on BIM for Emerging Firms. You should read an article in Architect Magazine on BIM for Emerging Firms.
SketchUp to ArchiCAD (a super quick video)
I'm always being asked how to get content from SketchUp to ArchiCAD. It couldn't be easier. Here's a video showing you how.
My license says I’m an architect. Why do I still feel like an intern?
Oh the first world problems I have. Being a young architect can be a hard slog. Does a license change anything? Or is it just a worldview I lack?
Sometimes I wonder if I’m the Bad Guy
Now that I look back on it, if that guy wanted to, he could have seriously injured me with one swing of his giant fist. That would have be hard to explain to my wife.
Nikken Sekkei and GRAPHISOFT Announce Strategic Partnership
BUDAPEST, November 21, 2013 — GRAPHISOFT, the global leader in Building Information Modeling (BIM) solutions for architects, and Nikken Sekkei, one of the world's largest architectural design firms, announced today their strategic partnership agreement to establish a jointly-funded BIM Competence
When are you a machine gun and when are you a sniper rifle?
Video games have a lot to teach us about being an architect. You should play more video games to verify this theory.
Tekla Global BIM Awards 2013
Those are some Beautifully Intricate Models (see what I did there). Tekla is currently running their global Building Information Modeling competition, Tekla Global BIM Awards, showcasing 46 projects from around the world. The competition website offers a nice brief look at what
Pocket Door Display in ArchiCAD
A quick lesson on pocket doors in ArchiCAD. The video will also teach you a little about composites and niches.