Shoegnome Open Template v26.3 for Archicad 26
It's time for another big update to my Shoegnome Open Template for Archicad 26. Read on to learn about out all the changes and improvements.
BIM After Dark + Shoegnome
On March 9th, 2023, I'll be chatting with Jeffrey A. Pinheiro of The Revit Kid on BIM After Dark. We're going to talk Archicad vs Revit, BIM for residential, and much more.
Using Favorites to Model a Bathroom in Archicad
An template with robust Favorites is the key to unlocking the power of Archicad and BIM. Here's a video that will convince you.
EntreArchitect Episode 493: Jared Banks – Learning to BIM with Shoegnome
I was a guest on the EntreArchitect Podcast. Check out my interview with Mark R. LePage.
Shoegnome Open Template v26.21 for Archicad 26
Nothing major, but since I'm updating the Shoegnome Open Template v26.21 for Archicad 26 for myself, everyone might as well benefit.
Shoegnome Open Template v26.2 for Archicad 26
Check out the improvements I've made to the Shoegnome Open Template v26.2 for Archicad 26
Your first task when switching to BIM
When learning BIM, the first task is always the same, no matter what program you use or why you made the switch.
How to Measure a House with Archicad
I build my Archicad model while I measure a house. In this video I share my process.
Shoegnome Open Template v26.1 for Archicad 26
Check out the improvements I've made to the Shoegnome Open Template v26.1 for Archicad 26
I want to learn Archicad, where do I start?
Here's a list of things you should do if you want to learn Archicad.
Ten Tips for Successful BIM Implementation
So you're thinking about making the jump to BIM. What can you do to make the transition smoother?
When homeowners reach out to me about a remodel, my first goal is not to get them as a client but to determine what's the right project.
Find and Select in Archicad 26
Criteria Sets for Find & Select are a powerful, underused feature in Archicad.
Being an architect is the opposite of being a blogger
Being an architect and a blogger sometimes works well together. But they are also polar opposites.
Problems with Authority
I thought I was always a good boy, but it turns out I have a huge problem with authority.
Archicad 26 Review
In today's video, I share my thoughts and review Archicad 26. What's good. What's in need of improvement. What's worth ignoring.
The process of Working with an Architect
My daughters and I made a short video that explains the basics of working with an architect to build or remodel a home.
Starting an Archicad Project with the Shoegnome Open Template
This video covers the basics of the Shoegnome Open Template for Archicad. From how to start using it to what it includes.
Shoegnome Open Template v26 for Archicad 26 and v25.4 for Archicad 25
The Shoegnome Open Template v26 for Archicad 26 is ready for you. I've also updated the Shoegnome Open Template v25.4 for Archicad 25.
Shoegnome Work Environment for Archicad 26
Before you can properly switch to a new version of Archicad, you must update your Work Environment. Here's my Archicad 26 Work Environment.
Front Porch case study in Archicad 25
This Archicad stair is made out of five columns, three railings, and one beam. Check out the video to learn more.
Image Based Objects in Archicad
Trees in your Archicad model can really enhance the sense of place, if those tree objects don't look like garbage.
Archicad Users on LinkedIn
I started a new group on LinkedIn today: Archicad Users. How wasn't there a group called that and dedicated to improved usage of the software?
Baseboard and Crown Molding in Archicad
Baseboard and Crown Molding are super easy to model in Archicad. Here's a quick video on the best method.
Window and Door Customization in Archicad
In this video I hope to improve your knowledge and usage of windows and doors in Archicad.