Shoegnome Open Template v25.3 for Archicad 25 update 2
Before I start a bunch of new projects, I took a moment to update the Shoegnome Open Template for Archicad 25.
Shoegnome Open Template v25.2 for Archicad 25 update 2
I've updated my template to go along with the recently released Archicad 25 update 2. Check out the latest improvements.
Site Models in Archicad
In this video, I look at a variety of ways to build better site models in Archicad.
Arches and Door Trim in Archicad
What happens when you need a complicated arched opening or trim around a door that isn't available in the default Archicad library?
Shoegnome Open Template v25 for Archicad 25
You can't use Archicad without a good template. Well you can, but that's a bad idea. Fortunately, the Shoegnome Open Template v25 is ready for Archicad 25. Download it now.
Shoegnome Work Environment for Archicad 25
Before you can properly switch to a new version of Archicad, you must update your Work Environment. Here's my Archicad 25 Work Environment.
Exploring Schedules in Archicad 24
Here's a twenty minute video on how to get more value out of schedules in Archicad.
Shoegnome Open Template v24.3 for Archicad 24
The Shoegnome Open Template v24.3 for Archicad 24 is ready for download!
ArchiSUMMIT 2021 Teaser and Bonus Content
I ended up creating way too much content for ArchiSUMMIT 2021. So here's a teaser / bonus video with a bunch of extra tips and tricks.
Shoegnome Open Template v24.2 for Archicad 24
The Shoegnome Open Template v24.2 for Archicad 24 has more Favorites, three new Objects, and a lot of other improvements.
Shoegnome Open Template v24.1 for Archicad 24
There are a lot of great improvements to the Shoegnome Open Template v24.1 for Archicad 24
Shoegnome Open Template v24 for Archicad 24
The Shoegnome Open Template v24 for Archicad 24 is now available. Learn about the latest changes to my template and then download it.
Shoegnome Work Environment for Archicad 24
Before you can properly switch to a new version of Archicad, you must update your Work Environment. Here's my Archicad 24 Work Environment.
Shoegnome Open Template v23.31 and Archicad modeling tips
In addition to updating the Shoegnome Open Template, I've also recorded a video discussing various Archicad modeling tips.
Shoegnome Open Template v23.3
After completing a project with my ARCHICAD 23 template, I made a bunch of revisions and improvements.
Shoegnome Open Template v23.2 plus coffee tumblers
I have an update to my template AND beautiful 8 oz tumblers for you.
Updating ARCHICAD files with Attributes and Favorites from another file
What do you do when you want to add Attributes and Favorites from one ARCHICAD file to another?
Shoegnome Open Template v23.1
Learn about the first major update to my template for ARCHICAD 23.
Importing Templates and Work Environments into ARCHICAD
I'm often asked how to import a template or Work Environment into ARCHICAD. Here's how.
Shoegnome Open Template v23 for ARCHICAD 23
The seventh iteration of the Shoegnome Open Template for ARCHICAD is now available. Learn about the latest changes to my template and then download it.
Openings for Complex Profile Siding in ARCHICAD 23
The Opening Tool in ARCHICAD 23 is going to save me time on every project.
ARCHICAD by the Beach 2019 Recap
Nine days in Cabo is an incredible way to improve one's ARCHICAD usage. ARCHICAD by the Beach was unlike any other ARCHICAD event I've ever attended.
Shoegnome Work Environment for ARCHICAD 23
No surprises, just minor tweaks to an already great Work Environment updated to ARCHICAD 23.
Shoegnome Open Template 22.1
Check out the latest version of my ARCHICAD 22 template.
2nd Annual ARCHICAD by the Beach
There's still time to join us in Cabo for the best ARCHICAD event of 2019.