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ArchiCAD Training Material & Classes

Take advantage of this golden opportunity for free ArchiCAD training, from Eric Bobrow and the ArchiCAD Best Practices Course. Sign up for one of the sessions here.

Choose the day and time that works best for your schedule: Tuesday 6/07 at 6PM PST , Wednesday 6/08 at 9AM PST, Thursday 6/09 at 6PM PST, Friday 6/10 at 9AM PST, Monday 6/13 at 6PM PST, Tuesday 6/14 at 9AM PST, or Wednesday 6/15 at 2PM PST.

After interviewing members of the Best Practices Course he has selected their favorites to share with everyone. Sign up for one of this week’s webinars and learn:

* Eight simple tricks to enhance your presentations and win your next project.
* Five common mistakes that are hurting you and how to fix them.
* Eighteen free resources that will help you improve your ArchiCAD skills.
* Fourteen easy-to-implement methods that will reduce your production time by 25% to 50% or more!

In addition, it’s not too late to sign up for the ArchiCAD Best Practices Course. To celebrate the release of ArchiCAD 15 from now until June 15 you will receive a $200 discount off the standard registration cost! Visit the Best Practices Course website today. It is PACKED with resources that will make it easy for you to improve your productivity and achieve dramatically improved results. It covers all releases from ArchiCAD 10 through 15 (new modules will be added to cover the latest features in AC15) plus Start Edition 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011.

This is a step-by-step system that will transform your practice. Weekly lessons shine a light into all the nooks and crannies of this complex tool. Regular coaching calls give you direct, clear answers to your pressing questions. And when you sign up for the course, you’ll become part of a community of ArchiCAD users focused on best practices that will support your efforts. Go to the course website now and check it out; you won’t be disappointed.

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