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ArchiCAD 17 Hotfix (build 5019) with EcoDesigner Star Trial

EcoDesignerStar2014From the official release notes:

“This Hotfix makes the trial functions of EcoDesigner STAR available in countries where the product is available (United Kingdom, Ireland, USA, Canada, Australia and Sweden). This Hotfix includes important fixes for bugs discovered since the original release of ArchiCAD 17 (Build 3002). This Hotfix can be applied to any builds of ArchiCAD 17 (Build 3002 and above).

The hotfix applies to ArchiCAD, BIM Server and all other components: BIM Server Manager, BIMx, MEP Modeler and all GRAPHISOFT-distributed Add-Ons and Goodies. It applies to all (Commercial, Educational and Trial) license types. Learn more about EcoDesigner Star.

It looks like the only difference between this Hotfix and Hotfix #5 is the enabling of the trial functions of EcoDesigner STAR. But that’s still reason enough to download it, update, and find some time to explore. That’s my plan. Remember to update everyone using Teamwork 2 (including the BIM Server) at the same time. Otherwise you’ll see error messages and probably make panicky calls to your local ArchiCAD guru, tech support guys, etc. So upgrade all together.

To learn more about this Hotfix, read the release notes, and download the Hotfix: click here.

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