Window and Door Customization in Archicad
In this video I hope to improve your knowledge and usage of windows and doors in Archicad.
Site Models in Archicad
In this video, I look at a variety of ways to build better site models in Archicad.
Arches and Door Trim in Archicad
What happens when you need a complicated arched opening or trim around a door that isn't available in the default Archicad library?
Exploring Schedules in Archicad 24
Here's a twenty minute video on how to get more value out of schedules in Archicad.
ArchiSUMMIT 2021 Teaser and Bonus Content
I ended up creating way too much content for ArchiSUMMIT 2021. So here's a teaser / bonus video with a bunch of extra tips and tricks.
Shoegnome Open Template v23.31 and Archicad modeling tips
In addition to updating the Shoegnome Open Template, I've also recorded a video discussing various Archicad modeling tips.
Importing Templates and Work Environments into ARCHICAD
I'm often asked how to import a template or Work Environment into ARCHICAD. Here's how.
Shoegnome Open Template v23 for ARCHICAD 23
The seventh iteration of the Shoegnome Open Template for ARCHICAD is now available. Learn about the latest changes to my template and then download it.
Openings for Complex Profile Siding in ARCHICAD 23
The Opening Tool in ARCHICAD 23 is going to save me time on every project.
Adding 2D to Sections and Details in ARCHICAD
Sections and Details in ARCHICAD require a combination of 2D and 3D information. This blog post talks how to handle the 2D.
ARCHICAD Roof Construction Techniques
In this video I discuss how to I prefer to model roof assemblies in ARCHICAD.
Model Speed, Complex Profiles, adding Fills, and a Quick Video
Complex Profiles need to be built correctly or they can cause a lot of problems in an ARCHICAD model. Here's one simple technique to remember.
Mitering Roofs in ARCHICAD
This two minute video will show you how to miter roofs in ARCHICAD. This is one of my favorite, little known techniques.
Shoegnome Open Template for ARCHICAD 21
The fifth iteration of the Shoegnome Open Template for ARCHICAD is now available. Learn about the latest changes to my template and then download it.
ARCHICAD Site Models: Images on Meshes
Aligning 3D textures in ARCHICAD allows us to create stunning site models with little effort.
ARCHICAD Elevations: turning on and off color
With the latest update to ARCHICAD 20, we can now turn color and shadows on/off with Graphic Overrides in any ARCHICAD elevation.
Wall Tool Construction Method Techniques
Making walls in ARCHICAD is one of the most basic functions, and one of the first things we all learn how to do. And yet
Exporting Objects from a Loaded Library in ARCHICAD
Here's a quick tutorial on how to export an Object from one ARCHICAD file and add it to another.
Adding Contours to a Mesh in ARCHICAD
Here's a quick tutorial on how to add contours to a Mesh in ARCHICAD.
Shoegnome Work Environment Bonus Video: creating the Tools Toolbar
Instead of using the Toolbox, I have created a custom toolbar for my Tools. Here's how you can make a similar Toolbar.
Shoegnome Open Template for ARCHICAD 20
The Shoegnome Open Template for ARCHICAD 20 is ready for you to download and use. Read this post and watch the accompanying video to learn what's new.
Shoegnome Work Environment for ARCHICAD 20
I've customized my Work Environment for ARCHICAD 20. Learn about what I did in this short video and download the Work Environment for yourself.
Showing Section Markers in Elevations in ARCHICAD
Do you know how to show Section Markers in Elevations in ARCHICAD? Here's a video showing you the most efficient way to do it.
Obsessed with Sun Studies: Visualization in ARCHICAD
In late 2015 and early 2016, I wrote a number of articles on visualization in ARCHICAD. Here's an update of how I've been practicing what I preach.
Modeling Foundations and Footings in ARCHICAD
Today I decided a blog comment would be easiest explained in video format: foundations and footings in ARCHICAD.